I got the first draft of my McShep porn finished last night. It pretty much sucks, and not in the good boy-sex way. In fact the sex part is totally blegh! They look deeply into each others eyes... and then they fuck. Yikes! Major rewrite needed. o_0 Of course, my problem is that I'm not a slash writer. I'm a straight chick trying to write teh gay sex. Of which I know only what I've read, despite attending a couple really great panels at Writercon. Ah well, this will probably never be posted anyway, so I can just consider it practice.
Tonight's the finale of The Amazing Race! Yay! I'm so very much looking forward to it. I hope Rob & Amber win and I don't care that they've already won 1.25 million between them on Survivor and four prizes for coming in first in various legs, or that CBS paid for their wedding or anything else. They ran a good race, took advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves, overcame a serious Rob's Big Mouth moment from the week before by taking a gamble that enabled them to come in first last week, and I seriously like Rob. He's cute and he's funny and, yes, sometimes he's an ass, but so are many of the people I know in real life. He is also at times, as TWOP's Miss Alli says, a really big dork. I *heart* really big dorks.
Telaryn It took almost the entire episode last night before Jack got to really torture someone. Not even a buzz in the "Take a drink every time someone gets tortured" game. ;)
My dad goes into the hospital tomorrow for another probe into his bladder. When he had his checkup last week the doctor wasn't happy with what he saw, so he needs to take a closer look. If the cancer's still aggressive, they'll redo the treatments, but I guess if they still don't work there's nothing else to do. The doctor says they won't remove the bladder of someone my dad's age.
So, anyway, since my dad will be in the hospital overnight, that means I get to stay with my mom and sleep on her horribly uncomfortable couch. I'm predicting a cranky Thursday.