Neme and the Vet

Apr 20, 2013 12:44

So, my bad little cat was MIA again when I got up this morning, but he showed up right on time, and I scooped him up and got him into the carrier with a minimum of fuss. However, after I got him into the carrier with a minimum of fuss, we had fuss. Lots and lots of fuss. Honestly, the way he was crying and slamming himself about you would have thought I had placed him into an iron maiden complete with spikes. The howls were quite unnerving.

To be honest, I was very nervous as to how he would react when we tried to get him out of the carrier for the tests, shots, and exam. And how did he act? Like an angel. They took him into the back to draw blood for a feline leukemia test, and then they brought him back out and when I reopened the carrier to get him out for the doctor to exam, he just came right out, huddled into my arms and allowed the vet to look him over.

So, results: He's a healthy little guy. He has ear mites, so she treated him with Revolution Flea and Tick Control which takes care of multiple parasites including ear mites. She used a sample dose, so didn't charge me which was nice. His blood test came back clean, so he got rabies, distemper and FeLV vaccines, plus he was wormed. He needs to go back in a month for booster distemper and FeLV.

One thing I learned is that he was already neutered. His left ear tip is missing, and I always assumed it was an accident or someone hurt him. The doctor informed me that this is the way catch-neuter-release groups mark strays they've had fixed. So that would explain why I never smelled any cat spray around my house. It also is nice to know that I won't have that expense.

When we got home, I was afraid he would run away from me immediately. Instead he ran to his food dish. Poor guy was starving! I went inside and got his wet food, and gave it to him, and petted and loved him. He was quite happy with that, and even allowed me to brush him for a bit. Then he finished his breakfast and trotted off.

So, mission accomplished with no bloodshed and a healthy kitty. \o/

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cat tales, neme

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