Book rec

Apr 18, 2013 10:56

Now, I'm only halfway through this book, so it could all go pear shape before the end, but right now, I'm having a very hard time putting it down.

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

Ursula Todd was born on a very snowy February 11, 1910 in a small village in England to upper-middle class parents. Many times. In fact, every time Ursula dies, she's born. And with each life, she remembers (a little, deja vu-like) what happened the last time so she avoids (mostly) that and previous deaths. Sometimes she's a child when she dies, sometimes she makes it to adulthood.

Honestly, this book has just sucked me totally in. And it isn't even that Ursula leads a thrilling life. It's a rather mundane life, such as what anyone would live. And yet, I'm totally caught up in her everyday life (and many deaths).

This is a new book, only published this month, and it's one of the best books I've read so far this year, I think.

At least, so far. ;-)

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