So about that fandom stuff

Apr 21, 2012 12:23

I'm wondering, is it particularly narcissistic to e-mail one of your own old Spuffy fics to Amazon so that you can download it to your Kindle to re-read? Because if so, um, well, I guess I'm guilty of narcissism, LOL. Because last night I got a hankering to re-read my old story, Past Glory, that I wrote, IDK, sometime after season 6? I do admit, it's one of my favorite fics that I ever wrote set during S5 after Tough Love. Of course, after I downloaded it, I realized that my battery was almost dead on my Kindle so I couldn't really read it after all. /facepalm. LOL

Also, funnily enough, I've suddenly got someone reading some of my SGA fics on Wraithbait and sending me nice feedback. That's kinda cool. I really should get around at some point to uploading more of my stuff to AO3. I got kind of irritated when the story I was trying to upload kept getting the coding borked. I'll try again.

Other than that, it's a cool, wet day here today. I went for my walk anyway (4+ miles) and came home more than a little damp, but at least I've got that out of the way, and I don't think the day is going to get any better so it was a good idea to just suck it up and do it. I did my kettlebells routine when I got home, too, so I've got both my aerobics and resistance training out of the way, and I can sit around on my fat arse for the rest of the day and feel superior. *g*

Today would have been my mom's 91st birthday.

Happy birthday, mom. Miss you.

general blather, fandom stuff

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