Freak out now and avoid the rush

Aug 19, 2010 11:57

So exactly one week from now, I will be preparing to leave work so I can go home and get ready for my flight to Chicago and the Stargate convention where I will see Joe & David & Jason & Michael & Christopher, and I am doing my pre-trip freak out!

OMG! is my hotel reservation still there? Call. Yes, still there & dates are correct.
OMG! Do I have my tickets? Yes. Well, not the photo op tickets yet because apparently they don't e-mail them until the Tuesday before the con, but I have my con ticket.
OMG! Do I have my flight schedule? Yes. And I have it printed out in TWO places, work & home.

Seriously, I'm acting like a gigantic spaz. It's not like I've never traveled before or gone to a con for heaven's sake. LOL

cons, fandom stuff, sga, me me me being silly

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