But it's all old and stuff

Aug 27, 2009 09:59

This week, I've been indulging in my love of ancient history. On Monday, the History Channel had five hours of programming on Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Relics, and pyramids, and it just got my History!Love juices flowing. So on Tuesday I went to the library and took out four DVD: Nefertiti Resurrected (this was the one that the History Channel had telecast, but I had missed the first hour), The Mummy Who Would Be King (about Rameses I. And hey, Canadians, did you know that you had His Majesty in a museum in Niagara Falls for years, and no one realized who he was?), Cleopatra, Destiny's Queen, and Last Stand of the 300.

So. Good! I'm going back to the library at lunch time and picking more DVDs for the weekend. I love this stuff. :-)

For my reading pleasure, I picked up Tutankhamen, The Life and Death of the Boy-King by Christine El Mahdy. Pretty interesting, although I've read so much about Tut that I'm not really learning anything new. :-)

While I'm at the library, I'm thinking of also picking up Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper, the first of The Dark is Rising series. I'd never heard of it before, I don't think, but it was mentioned in the bookish community, and sounded interesting. Also mentioned was The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, so I may pick that up, too.

And now the phone call came in that I was waiting for, so it's back to work.


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