Last night's tv

Sep 26, 2008 09:48

I was a little pissed because I thought CSI was starting last night, but instead we got two hours of Survivor, which, actually, was okay because I loved every minute of it. I'm already totally in love with Bob, the physicist. Well, I've been programmed by the adorable, if somewhat cranky, Dr. Rodney McKay to see physicists in a favorable light, but really, Bob is just totally Awesome!. Fifty-seven, skinny as a Bataan death march survivor, and totally smart and wise, he's leading his team, Kota, into what appears to be a very strong position.

On the other hand, we have "Fang" (pronounced Fong), but what I've come to think of as "Fangless" (pronounced, well, fangless). I had a feeling they were going to be in trouble when I saw that they were picking what appeared to be the weakest contestants for the tribe. And, yes, that proved to be true in the very first challenge when they struggled to get to their mats up a rather steep hill. While Kota started working together as a team as soon as they reached camp, Fang started disorganized and remains so, as well as being physically weaker. I see a major Pagonging coming to the people of Fang, especially since they've already lost two tribe members in the first two elimination challenges. Also, one tribe member, Dan, was sent to Exile Island. Now Dan, a former lawyer, thinks he's really smart. Yeah, really, Dan? Not so much. LOL

After Survivor, I watched Supernatural, which I had taped, and, it was pretty good. Last week, I wondered if Castiel was a warrior angel like the Archangel Michael, and I was so very, very right! And it's Armageddon, coming! and YES, YES, YES!!!! End of Days, Apocalypse, Unlocking the Seals (although I've always heard it was seven seals, but, you know, Whatever!!! Are Dean and Sam going to have to fight at the end of the season because Sam's is becoming the unwitting tool of Satan? I'm so excited about this arc. I hope Kripke keeps it up, because this could be awesome! Also, Kripke, you bastard, you'd better not ever kill Bobby!

tv, survivor, supernatural

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