Three day weekend yay!

May 23, 2008 11:12

According to the weather report on Yahoo! it'll be partly cloudy today, sunny tomorrow and Sunday and then back to partly cloudy but warm (low 80OsF) on Monday. Then it's back to thunderstorms and overcast skies, OMG! So sick of rain. So. Sick.

According to the call I got from her doctor this morning, mom is supposed to get released from the hospital sometime today. Yay for that too. She's not 100%, but well enough that she can return to Peterson. She's anxious to get out of the hospital. I think she's way bored, but shit, she won't watch tv, doesn't want to read, how can she not be bored? Anyway, at least she'll have some stimulation back at the nursing home, so that's good. Personally, I'm just ready to things to get back to some semblance of normal.

I think my brother is going to have a cookout on Memorial Day, but I'm not sure if I'm going. I certainly don't want to take my mother there after just getting out of the hospital, so I think I'll just go visit her for a while. If they have something in the garden, I'll see if I can get her to go. If not, then I'll just go home after my visit. I'm really ready to just have 'me' time.

Yesterday I finally ordered The Avengers - The Complete Emma Peel Megaset from which is run through I can't wait until it comes. I have two $25 gift cards for Borders that I got through my Discover cash back awards. I tried to use both for this purchase, but apparently, they'll only allow one card. Stupid Borders. Anyway, I need to use up the other one quickly because I saw that they're breaking away from using Amazon for the on-line store, and since I have Prime shipping through Amazon, I want to make sure I use up the card while I still get the good shipping. I don't know what else I want to buy, but I'll find something, I'm sure.

Just got a call from the social worker at the hospital. Mom's going to get discharged at 2pm. YAY!

me me me

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