Sinuses, ow

Sep 20, 2007 09:29

The weather has been pretty nice this week, cool nights and warm days, but unfortunately my sinuses just aren't loving it. I hate taking too much sinus medication since it tends to raise my blood pressure, however, stoically suffering isn't high on my list of things I want to do.

I haven't been in much of a mood to post this week, which is why I haven't updated. Not that I have anything of import to post about anyway.

Last Friday I took the afternoon off and signed my mom out of the nursing home for the afternoon. It turned out really nice. We took a drive into the country so I could pick up a refill of Nikki's meds from my vet, and then we drove to the new shopping complex for lunch. Mom hadn't seen it yet since it's only just now really booming with all the new businesses. We went to Cabela's which is a huge sporting goods store and the anchor around which with rest of the complex is being built. It's been open three years, but I'd never been there before because... well, it's a huge sporting goods store and I neither hunt nor fish so it didn't hold a lot of interest for me. However, everyone said that you should go through it at least once because of the displays and whatnot. It was interesting in a one-time-is-enough sort of way: a large aquarium with sport fish swimming in it (catfish, trout, bass, etc.) and several displays of wildlife - stuffed, of course. As mom said more than once, we prefer our animals alive, so while the displays were interesting for what they were, it isn't anything I'm itching to go back and see again.

After Cabela's we went to the Target store since mom had never been to one, and by the time I'd wheeled her all around that store, it was after 4:30 and my feet were killing me so we called it a day and I took her back to the nursing home. We'll do it again soon since she really enjoyed her half-day out.

Other than that, I've been watching my new DVDs. I finished season two of Bones (the wedding that didn't happen still irritates me), and I watched David Hewlett's A Dog's Breakfast - odd, quirky, and very funny. Last night I watched the first episode of season two of Supernatural. All these damned DVDs are coming out at almost the same time, and I don't have the time watch them all before the new seasons begin.

I've also been in the mood for epic-long fanfic - mostly heavy on the McShep, but also gen as long as Rodney is heavily featured. Yep, I'm still all about the McKay. :)

Work has been boring. Boring, boring, boring. Yuck!

I got a great deal today on a new flash drive. I get sales flyers from Circuit City and one was in my inbox this morning. I've been wanting to buy a new flash drive so that I could clean my personal stuff off my work computer (which, yeah, I really shouldn't have this stuff on my work computer), and they had a 4GB Sony USB flash drive on sale for $35.00. The reviews for it were good, so I'm hoping it'll work okay on my computer here. Once I get all my shit transferred, I'm going to make sure everything except my music files are gone from my hard drive here. I know they won't care about the music files.

mom, me me me, dvds

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