SGA Fic Recs

Sep 19, 2007 15:00

To anyone on my flist who reads SGA fanfic, and who hasn't yet read these two stories, get thee hence and read them immediately.

The first is the last, i.e. the newest of the two recs:

Rebuilding Babel by the_drifter (fiercelydreamed) for the sga_flashfic community "wordless" challenge is an incredible 21,000 word story of how Rodney and Atlantis copes when Rodney loses his ability to coherently speak or comprehend the written or spoken word. There's angst, but not so much that you're beaten down by it, and it has a lovely ending. It is McShep, but very, very light on the McShep although there is a sex scene near the very end of the story. In fact, if the author had just kept this gen, I'm not sure it would have made a difference because the story is about Rodney and his relationship with his own mind as much as it is about Rodney and his personal relationships. Beautifully written, and one that totally sucks you in.

The second story I'm going to recommend has been out for a couple weeks, and probably everyone has already read it. If you haven't, however, you really must. I'm talking, of course, about Written by the Victors by cesperanza. It's an incredible 55,000 word epic written in probably the most unique style I've seen used for a fanfic. Told through snatches from historical and scholarly texts (complete with bibliography & index) interspersed with what actually happened, it's the story of the "uprising" when Lt. Col. John Sheppard wrested the control of Atlantis away from the SGC and the IOA and declared it a free and independent entity. This is very much McShep, NC-17, and so damned good it makes the angels weep.

fic recs, sga

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