Survivor stuff

Sep 22, 2006 13:15

So, on last night's Survivor, the Aitu tribe (the Hispanics) decided to throw the immunity challenge because one of the tribe members wanted to get rid of another tribe member. Although I sympathize with wanting to get rid of this particular tribe member - he was the tribe lily-of-the-field, he neither sowed nor reaped, but he ate what others gathered and slept under the shelter others had built. Also, he made a crazy stalker-like remark at tribal council that totally shocked not only me, but Jeff as well. He claimed he was in love with Candace from the Raro tribe, even though he's never even talked to her. Dude, that's just plain freaky and I hope they keep her far away from him if she also gets eliminated. However, I totally don't like this idea of throwing challenges. I think they need to come up with a rule that if a tribe throws a challenge, then they earn some kind of punishment, maybe losing two tribe members instead of one.

It just totally made the challenge irrelevant. The Hiki tribe that had lost last week really felt proud of themselves for having completed the challenge, but we don't know whether they would have gotten their third place win or not since Aitu didn't really participate in the challenge.

Although I'm not hating the dividing up of the tribes along racial lines as much as I thought I would, I do dislike the fact that it means four tribes requiring air-time means that there is only time in the hour-long show to have one challenge per week. So the reward challenge and the immunity challenge have been rolled into one challenge. Whichever tribe comes in first in the challenge also wins reward.

It just seems to me that it's a helluva lot less taxing to only have to perform one challenge every three days than it is to do two. Also, these islands seem to be pretty flush with food. I don't think anyone, except the Hiki tribe that had a really hard time getting their fire to light and so therefore didn't have water, are really suffering much deprivation.

It is kind of interesting to make a list as to who out of each tribe will probably get booted first. I think it was pretty obvious that Sekou was going to go with the first voting, and, of course, the whole point of Aitu losing the challenge was to get rid of Billy. I think that if Puka loses a challenge, there's no doubt that Cao Boi is going to get all the votes except his, but it's harder to call who would get booted on Raro.

Adam is the handsome, squared-jawed jock who apparently only works out in the gym and is totally agin any kind of physical labor. That's a black mark against him and likely to make him vulnerable. On the other hand, Jonathan is older and a bit bossy and at least two of the three women could stick with Adam.

This is definitely turning out to be an interesting season.

tv, survivor

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