harmonyfb posted that today is the last day to sign up for
writercon online, and so here is my internal dialogue after reading that.
*I should check airfares.
*Yeah, but the hotel is filled up.
*Well, there's an overflow hotel recommended.
*Yeah, but it's not where all the cool kids will be.
*Well, you should have thought of that, oh, months ago.
*I'm still not sure if I want to travel this year.
*It's Writercon, you twit. All the cool kids will be there.
*Yeah, you said that already. Shut up.
*Mmmm, flights out of Pittsburgh on Friday suck ass. You'd have to fly out on Thursday and back on Monday.
*Yeah, costing me two extra days of hotel fees. Plus the commute to get to and from hotel and airport looks like hell.
*But it's Writercon.
*I know that. Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!
Urgh. I keep thinking I'll regret not going, but I still just. don't. know. *weeps*