Dec 12, 2008 11:47
1. What did you do on Monday? Work, class, swimming, made 'Christmas' cookies for my student employees.
2. What did you do on Tuesday? Work, made birthday brownies, got in a fight.
3. What did you do on Wednesday? Work, some classes, ate cookies and pizza for last day of classes, wallyball, made boyfriend take me to outback to make up for fighting on my birthday, opened birthday presents.
4. What did you do on Thursday? Skipped out on half day of work, tried to run errands, but really accomplished next to nothing, swimming, put up little Christmas tree (cutest Christmas tree EVAR)
5. What are you going to do today (this weekend)? Work. Um.....drink? I need a goddamn drink. And a good sleeping in tomorrow. Also, some finishing of Christmas shopping tomorrow. And then Sunday, a metric ass ton of studying.