[Fic] Come Back To Me -- [03/?]

May 23, 2010 02:21

Title: Come Back To Me [03/?]
Author: Sozuki17
Characters: Romano, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, maybe others later.
Pairings: Spain/Romano, maybe a hint of Germany/Italy later... not sure.
Rating: PG13-ish
Warnings: Human names, abuse, hurt/comfort, no rape (I'm trying to be original here) XD
Summary: It had been almost three weeks since anyone had heard from Lovino. But now that he is finally found (hurt and confused) there are some issues that need to be resolved.

Previous Chapters: 01 | 02

Lovino stood in front of the bathroom mirror with just a towel wrapped around his waist and dripping water onto the tiled floor. There were some clothes folded neatly on the counter by the sink that Feliciano had rushed to grab from his room when they had arrived at Antonio's. It had been decided along the way that it would be better that they take Lovino to Antonio's than back to his own home.

The stained sheet wrapped around his ankle was soaking wet, but the cool felt nice against his aggravated skin. There might have even been a slight trail of watered down blood that had made it's way down to the floor, but he didn't pay it any mind. What he did notice, was the marks from his previous owner.

It could be worse. He thought and winced. It could get much worse if I didn't behave.

His black eye was no longer swollen and had actually faded to an almost greenish-yellow color. Though it was kind of hard to tell the difference between his fading black eye and the dark circles from lack of sleep. There were random bruises scattered along his torso, some from fists, others from shiny shoes. Some fingerprint sized bruises were scattered along his arms. His elbow still looked pretty bad having only been reset a couple of days ago, so it still looked slightly swollen and bruised. It was a still a bit sore.

He lifted his chin slightly and got a better look at his neck. There were a few minor cuts along his throat that he hadn't realized were still there.

Cuts covered his arms from his first or second week in Gustavo's care. The scabbed over skin was now tender from the hot shower he had taken and he was afraid that if he moved around too much that they'd reopen. He was a little surprised to realize that none of them had broke open earlier.

Slowly getting dressed, he realized how sore and tired he really felt. The hot shower had helped ease some muscle aches he hadn't been fully aware of, but the reality of his situation didn't leave room for relaxing. The close he had been given were soft and comfortable, easy to put on even with his ankle throbbing and telling Lovino that it was tired of being stood on.

Lovino was almost done buttoning up his shirt when a soft knock sounded from the bathroom door. With apprehension, he turned and faced the only barricade between him and the world.

“Lovi? Are you alright in there?” Silence was the only reply.

Another knock sent Lovino's heart racing with fear.

“Lovino, are you okay? You didn't fall and hurt yourself, did you?” Lovino took a step back from the door. “Please answer me if you are okay!”

He shook his head as irrational fear gripped his heart and squeezed.

The door handle shook and the knocking turned into a pounding. “Please unlock the door!”

He didn't want to face the world yet. He didn't want to face the fact that even though he was free from Gustavo, he was in the process of changing owners. And even though it was Antonio - oh god please let it be Antonio - he didn't want to leave what little safety and isolation that the light colored soothing walls of the bathroom gave him. Even if it was too warm and it was getting harder to breath.

“I'm coming in, okay Lovino? You aren't answering and it's making me really worried and I need to know you're okay.”

There was a pause and then the door shuttered as though something had been thrown against it, something large like a body.

Gasping, Lovino knew time was running out and he couldn't think and he was scared and there wasn't a way out of here except through that door and-

The door shook on it's hinges again and Lovino dived for the nearest hiding place, even if it would only make Antonio mad that he had attempted to hide from him.

Pulling his legs to his chest, he buried his face in his knees and choked back a sob that had threatened to escape. There was a loud bang as the door finally gave and swung back, slamming into the wall, no doubt leaving a large dent in the wall from the handle. The sob that Lovino had been struggling to hold back escaped and tears were soaked up by the soft dark material of his pants.

Even through the ringing in his ears, he heard every step the man took that led him to where Lovino was hiding. He knew he would be found so why did he even bother? But still Lovino couldn't tear himself away from the tight spot he had managed to wedge himself into.

He missed the quiet sigh of relief, but not the rustle of clothing. Antonio was crouching not too far away, no more than three feet in front of him.

“I'm sorry for yelling like that, Lovi.” Antonio whispered. Lovino's head snapped up and he stared at the Spaniard with wide fearful eyes. “I didn't mean to scare you, I was just worried that maybe you slipped while you were in the shower or something. Will you let me help you up? It can't be comfortable being wedged in that tiny space.”

Antonio slowly reached out a hand, palm up and inviting as though he were trying to convince a small frightened animal to eat from his hand. Lovino stared and took several deep breaths to try and calm himself down. Antonio didn't seem mad at the moment, if anything he looked more worried than anything else. Not that Lovino quite understood why this was, but he wasn't about to try and make things worse for himself if Antonio changed his mind later.

Lovino let go of his legs and with shaking hands he slowly reached forward. He almost expected Antonio to get impatient and grab him, yanking him to his feet and drag him through and out the bathroom. But he was surprised and confused to find that Antonio waited for Lovino's unsure and light grip to wrap itself around Antonio's own hand. He accidentally caught the Spaniard's bright - why were they so bright? - eyes and saw the almost shy but happy smile that sent a small wave of reassurance over him, calming his heart enough that he could hear better without it pounding in his ears.

He chided himself for falling for that smile. For letting himself be calmed and luring himself into a false sense of security. It'll be just that much worse when Antonio finally snaps.

Stretching his legs out in front of him so he could stand, he let Antonio help him up from the area between the sink and the toilet. He quickly removed his hand from Antonio's softened grip and stared down at the floor.

“Come on,” Antonio said softly, which Lovino refused to admit was helping him relax and calm down further. “Let's get your ankle properly bandaged, alright?”

Lovino followed a few steps behind the Spaniard as he was led back down the hall and to where his previous room was located. Antonio opened the door and stepped aside, letting Lovino that he should go in first. Taking a deep breath, he slowly limped his way through the doorway and froze.

Someone else was in the room already, someone with shoulder length blond hair and the sent of his cologne was enough to give the man away. Francis was standing at the desk in the corner that Lovino had never really used in the past.

Why? Why? Why? Why was Francis here and in this room? Why did Antonio bring him to this room with this man in it?

No doubt noticing the look of panic that gripped Lovino's heart and caused his breathing to increase, turned and held up both his hands to show they were empty. He even went as far as to take a step away from the desk, allowing Lovino to see the bandages on its smooth surface.

“We just want to patch you up, mon ami.”

Lovino flicked his gaze behind him towards the living door block. Antonio nodded and smiled reassuringly, or at least it would have been reassuring if the curls of fear would stop slithering in his stomach.

Francis gestured to the bed in what had, for once in Lovino's memory, not been a suggestive way. He slowly limped his way over and sat on the very edge of the bed, ready to bolt back up at the smallest sign of an attack. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Francis gathered the appropriate bandages and pulled the desk chair over and sat in front of him.

“Antonio, will you go check on Feliciano, please?”

“But-” Antonio started, but was silenced with a single look from the blond. “Right. Okay, but I'll be right back, alright?” He nodded towards Lovino, giving him another small smile.

Lovino watched with wide eyes as the bedroom door closed behind the Spaniard with a soft click. Francis turned back to face Lovino, piling the gauze, bandages, and medical tape beside Lovino on the bed. “You may still be nervous now, but in a couple days you'll be begging for some peace from Antonio's mother hen hovering.”

Lovino didn't answer. Antonio said he'd be right back, so he wasn't giving him to Francis, right?

He said he'd be right back...

Francis sighed and bent over, gently plucking Lovino's injured leg from the floor, causing Lovino to almost fall back on the bed in surprise and fear. The man rested Lovino's calf on his knee and gently tugged up the edge of his pants to reveal the still wet temporary bandaging. He watched as the Frenchman untied the knots holding it in place and went about cleaning and re-bandaging it with utmost care.

When he was done, he sat back in the chair and looked Lovino over, just like Antonio had before.

“Are you injured anywhere else?”

Tugging nervously at his sleeves, he shook his head.


Then, “May I see your arms?”

He tensed and shook his head violently, clutching his arms closer to his chest.

“Please, Lovino?”

Lovino felt the burning pressure of tears behind his eyes and he squeezed them tightly shut. If he didn't willingly let Francis look at his injuries, then he could do it by force. Why he hadn't already was confusing. Why did they keep asking for his permission when they knew they didn't need it?

Fighting back tears, he slowly unfolded his shaking arms and tugged at the dark material, wincing slightly when one had apparently started to bleed and clung to the shirts sleeve. He looked off to the side so he wouldn't have to see Francis' expression. He didn't know what he would see, what to expect, but he didn't want to find out.

Francis quietly stood and went back to the desk, only to return with more bandages.

This continued on in silence as Francis bandaged up the ones that looked like they weren't healed enough to be left alone. The white of the gauze was only a slight contrast to his skin, which was usually slightly tanned but now paled in comparison.

“I know you don't like me and I know this is hard for you.” Francis' voice startled him but he didn't look up from Francis' fingers as they tied and tucked the gauze safely and comfortably around his arm. “Lovino, I need to know if you were sexually assaulted in any way.”

At this, Lovino's head shot up in shock and surprise, staring at Francis with wide eyes. Francis' expression was serious, as serious as Lovino had ever seen it before. He watched as the man took a deep breath and continued. “It is an extremely hard thing to overcome and in order to properly help you as well as for you're own safety, we need to know.”

With a sick twisting feeling in his gut, Lovino knew exactly what Francis was trying to convey and he understood.

“I know what it's like,” He's saying. “I can help you, but only if you tell me the truth.”

And his eyes, while begging for an honest answer, also seemed to be pleading for him to say no.

Keeping his eyes locked on Francis' own, he shook his head.

Why would Francis lie about something like this? There would be no benefit in it for him, or anyone really.

Lovino continued to hold eye contact for as long as he could before he looked away.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something in Francis loosen. Like a weight was lifted from his shoulders. A quiet sigh escaped him that almost sounded like relief.

“Antonio would have been heartbroken.” He commented as he reached for more gauze.

That should have been comforting, and it was, until a split second later a gut churning thought wormed its way into his mind and buried itself. What if Antonio would be glad because he himself would want to “honor” of taking advantage of Lovino?

No, don't think about it. He mentally shook his head and pushed the thought into the back recesses of his mind.

Francis caught the split second change in Lovino but didn't comment.

The rest of the time passed in silence as Francis finished bandaging up his arms. There was a moment of pain when Francis pushed about on his elbow, but it apparently passed inspection as there was no comment with the suggestion of a sling.

When Francis was done and Antonio appeared once more in the doorway, it was with mixed feelings that he watched as Francis took one last glance at him before patting his knee with a quiet murmur of assurance and stood. Francis led the Spaniard out of the room once more and closed the door behind them.

He heard the quiet muttering of their voices on the other side and strained to hear what was being said. He'd have to get up and get closer if he wanted to hear.

But was it worth the risk of being caught eavesdropping?

fanfiction, anime: hetalia

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