[Fic] Come Back To Me -- [02/?]

Apr 12, 2010 15:15

Title: Come Back To Me [02/?]
Author: Sozuki17
Characters: Romano, Spain, Italy, Germany, maybe others later.
Pairings: Spain/Romano, maybe a hint of Germany/Italy later... not sure.
Rating: PG13-ish
Warnings: Human names, abuse, hurt/comfort, no rape (I'm trying to be original here) XD
Summary: It had been almost three weeks since anyone had heard from Lovino. But now that he is finally found (hurt and confused) there are some issues that need to be resolved.

Previous Chapters: 01

Lovino was sat on the small single sized bed that rested against the wall. He repressed the repetitive urge to move as far away from them as he could, maybe press himself into the corner with the headboard. He glanced quickly over and realized it was broken and that pieces of the wooden frame was littered across the sheets. He looked back at the chain still attached to his ankle and came to the conclusion that it wasn't the chain that had broken when he had finally 'freed' himself. In his desperation to escape after Gustavo had issued a final threat before he left, he hadn't cared what broke or how he got free, as long as he wasn't attached to that damn bed anymore.

Someone knelt in front of him and he quickly pulled his legs against him. Watching with wide eyes as a tanned hand slowly reached for his injured leg. He tensed as those warm fingers cupped and wrapped around his calf.

“It's okay, Lovino.” That same soft voice from before whispered. “We need to see the extent of your injuries before we can go.”

The gentle tug at the hem of his pant leg caused him to hiss as the cool air of the room rushed against the open wound. He looked at it quickly himself before glancing away. Just like the headboard, he hadn't really bothered to see the extent of the damage to himself when he had gotten free. The skin was bruised black and blue all around the silver and blood crusted shackle and it looked a little swollen. He'd been tugging and pulling and scratching and whatever else he could do to try and unhitch himself from the bed frame.

“Do either of you have something that could pick the lock?” Feliciano asked, looking closely at the manacle, sniffling back more tears.

Lovino couldn't stop his eyes from going to the small plain desk on the opposite side of the room. He vaguely remembered a couple paperclips from his previous effort to escape, but he couldn't say anything. He wouldn't. Couldn't. Can't.

But Feliciano, even through his tears, noticed Lovino's quick glance and rushed over to the desk even as Antonio and Ludwig asked him where he was going. He handed the paperclips to Antonio who in turn tried to give them to Lovino.

He stared at the two innocent paperclips resting peacefully on that tanned palm. He couldn't possibly want him to free himself from the shackle. There's no way he could do that, not with them there ready to snatch him away as soon as he was free. They'd probably just place a new one on as soon as they got to their destination anyway.

“Lovino, I don't know how to pick locks, but I know that you can.” Antonio said, and tried to place one of the paperclips on the bed where he could grab it. Lovino stared at the paperclip but didn't move. He wasn't going to fall for it.

The tense silence filled the room and took most of the breathable air along with it.

Feliciano took the other clip from Antonio. “I can try,” He said and knelt next to Antonio on the floor. He unbent the clip and reached for the shackle. “I'm not as good as Lovino, but I might be able to get it.”

Lovino felt like the room was spinning around him and he couldn't breathe. What was going to happen to him? Who was going to take him? They couldn't all have him, could they? Would they really be as bad as Gustavo had said or would they be worse?

He thought back to Gustavo and tried to calculate the time that had passed since the man had left. Would he be back soon? What if he came back and these guys were still here? Would they fight over who would keep him? He mentally rolled his eyes. He wasn't worth fighting for. Antonio, Feliciano, and Ludwig would probably just shrug and say, 'oh well', and leave. They tried, they gave it a shot. But he wasn't worth more than a try and why bother if someone else already had the hassle of taking care of him.

The quiet click from the manacle brought everything into sharp focus and everything was suddenly too loud and moving too fast as it slipped from the bed and clattered onto the floor.

Ludwig reached over and ripped a piece of the bedding into a just a strip of cloth. He handed it to Antonio who whispered reassurances as he wrapped the cloth around his still slightly bleeding ankle. The blood soaked up and through the white sheet in places, but otherwise stayed in place when Antonio tied the final knot. When his ankle was finally let go, he pulled it back towards his body, ignoring the sting of pain from the sudden movement.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?" Antonio asked, looking him over in case he missed anything. Lovino shook his head. He wasn't going to tell them about any of the others. His ankle was the most impeding one anyway.

“Someone is going to have to carry him, he wont be able to walk on that ankle.” Ludwig pointed out.

Silence took place of an answer and Lovino risked a glance up before looking back down. They were wall looking at him. Did they want him to pick? That was cruel. He could probably handle Antonio owning him like this, but not Feliciano. Something about his brother, who he had been in shadow of for so many years, being in complete control of him was something he didn't think he could stand. And definitely not Ludwig. There were so many things wrong with this situation he didn't know what to do.

But even if they let him choose, would they abide to his decision? He doubted it. But if even for a little while, they let him be owned by the Spaniard, he'd rather that than be under control of anyone else.

Slowly he looked back up and directly at Antonio, tears he tried to fight burning his eyes.

“S-” He tried, but choked on the word and had to swallow and try again. “S-Spain.”

He jumped in surprise when a weight settled on the bed in front of him and he looked up to see Antonio's back.

“I'll carry you on my back if you'd like,” He said, looking over his shoulder. “It would probably be easiest.”

Choking back a sob, he nodded and slowly unfolded his legs and grabbed onto the Spaniard's shoulders. It was a rushing sensation to be lifted into the air like that, and he fumbled with his grip, unconsciously wrapping his arms around Antonio's neck. Once he was settled, he muttered a quick apology and gripped the back of his shirt instead.

“If you feel uncomfortable or threatened, you can strangle me if you want?” Antonio tried to joke lightly, but it fell flat.

Lovino shivered and tightened his grip on Antonio's shirt. Maybe he made a mistake. He shouldn't have picked Antonio. There is no way he could hurt Antonio if he had the chance, there would be no way for him to fight back. Besides if he had the courage to even attempt to strangle the Spaniard, he didn't know what cruel things would be done to him.

fanfiction, anime: hetalia

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