Communist Party

Nov 18, 2004 18:56

So my house is officially a commune. one "m" or two? comune. Two. Okay.
So, Amanda has moved out of my house and back in with her parents. Zoe dropped out, got kicked out, and is now part of the commune. Daniel can call it his home. It's the only steady shelter when he can't find anywhere else. Matt got kicked out of his house on Monday. He spends the night when I can pick him up. Including me, that's four people in the commune. A couple nights ago Jaime stayed over. I think a few people spent the night last night while I was in Santa Rosa.
Right now there are about 15 people in my house. I don't know a couple of them. I just walked inside and they're crowding my little casa. They're all smoking inside. Yuck.
While Amanda was still part of the commune, we all got bronchitis. Maybe. She's the only one who went to the doctor. (she's the only one who can afford to.) The doctor said it was bronchitis and a bunch of us have the same symptoms. I haven't gone to English in over a week because of it.
I don't like people smoking in my house.
I don't like people smoking pot in my house unless they're a friend.
I don't like people that I don't know getting drunk in my house when everyone assumes that I'm not going to be there tonight. What is that?
They're going home now.
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