from "Capitalism is an imperfect system that is impossible to maintain, the Puget Sound Anarchists explain in a post earlier this month.
"It wrecks the earth, our bodies, and our spiritual selves by demanding a humanity that is calculated by industry/government. That is why it has it's own security to enforce it's doomsday fiscal politics: the police. If liberal democracy and capitalism worked, why would this force be necessary??
This means the entire system must give way to let us determine our own lives?..We demand no more police. We demand no more Guardians of Tourism and Capital."
"Yes, liberals, you're right... Capitalism doesn't work...the system which took us out of CAVES, out of the DARK AGES, is NO GOOD!......COMMUNISM IS MUCH BETTER! It has helped the Soviet Union, Red China, Cuba, Camodia, Vietnam, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Czechoslovakia, and others SO MUCH! It has helped SO MANY OF THEIR CITIZENS, 350-400 MILLION, FIND PEACE, IN AN EARLY GRAVE, INSTEAD OF SUFFERING UNDER CAPITALISM!"
is there a learning curve i don't know about? in the least, can someone please tell them that they're at the site ""?