Feb 26, 2011 12:53
Fighting the corners that catch us,
we tore a hole in the sky
to shine a light
and materialize
dimensional dances.
(A hammer--arm--finger--fist)
We want so much more.
Our stomachs contain the cosmos
and our dreams are unrealistic,
but we have eyes for fighting
and nothing but time for dying.
(A tongue--tooth--soil--root)
Fingertips are sharp,
so be careful what you touch,
but touch everything--
put everything under the course
of your palpatory prints.
(A dialect--language--vernacular--idiom)
Written out of everything
we ride our own narratives--
tear the margins and eat the pulp,
shit out another century of dissatisfaction.
(A fuss--enchantment--tenderness--Little Tough Fury)
We are not imaginary thieves--
we take what's in the toolshed,
strip the site
and set the house on fire.
Here is a physical manifestation
of our constant living conflictualities:
all of the contradictions that flower out of our mouths
keep us so rooted to the impossibility
that is the complicated nature of existing in this life.