(no subject)

May 02, 2005 20:44

For any of those who have seen and love The Boondock Saints... This is from a post on IMDb... I hate this person

Troy Duffy was sitting there and he was like "Ok, So here's what we need:

"-Two bad actors in cheesy roles. Check.
-Slip something in Willem Dafoe's drink and get him to sign a contract to be in the worst role of his life. (See church confessional scene for more details.) Check.
-Put together a non-sensical story. Check
-Have really bad special effects (emphasis on red paint-like blood!!) Check.
-Get bearded version of Jar-Jar Binks, but make sure that the acting is worse than that of the computer generated character. Check
-Spend most of budget getting terrible speech coaches to be sure that the said bad actors are properly equipped with horrible Boston-Irish accents (otherwise they might pass for mediocre actors!!) Check."

Well, looks like Troy did a good job! He set out and accomplished this seemingly impossible goal.
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