Day off rambling

Oct 02, 2008 16:46

I have the comfiest pants ever.  Wide leg fleece sweat pants.  I want to live in them forever.  I blame them for me being mostly unproductive today.  I did manage to wash the bathroom floor, clean the toilet, empty the trash upstairs, and bake a cake.  Mmmm cake....  However, mostly I fucked around on the internet.  I love and Fark for their excellent time-wasting capabilities.

Also, I made some changes to my retirement fund and moved some stocks around, on the advice of my father-in-law (who knows infinitely more than I do about such things, which is next to nil).  While doing that I did some reading about the different types of investments, so now I know a tiny bit more than I did.

Other than that, I don't really have much to post about.  I think that's probably a good, although boring, thing.  Work is going well, home life is as awesome as always.  I did start taking metformin, which is apparently having the desired effect (not pregnancy, but the other stuff).  I've read four or five books in the past few weeks.  That's really about it.  Boring isn't always so bad, I guess.  It just doesn't make for good LJ reading.  :)
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