Shipper Goggles: Or, a post dedicated mainly to being geeky about "Community"-related things

May 07, 2011 23:27

It's been so long since I was really a part of a fandom that I'm finding my shipper goggles might not fit the same way anymore. I remember back when I was really involved with the R/Hr community, every time I read the books or saw the movies or read an interview with J.K. Rowling or one of the cast members, I would seek out any tiny tidbit of R/Hr-ness and then analyze it, happily, for hours.

Now, with Community, things feel way different. First of all, it's a half hour comedy -- not a romantic comedy, but a comedy. So I don't think the writers really owe it to the viewers to provide resolution to our ships. In fact, it almost works out better if they don't provide resolution. Remember how cute Pam and Jim were on The Office seaons one through three? And now... not so much. Boring. Old. Tired. Married. Parents. Bleh. The UST was what was making me squee... sure, their wedding episode was certainly beautiful and a nice moment. And the episode when they discover Pam is pregnant was also cute. But it wasn't as cute as watching them flirt madly in the grocery store while going to get stuff for Kevin's birthday, or watching them flirt madly pretty much anytime pre-Season 4.

With Community, I feel like addressing Jeff/Annie too heavily will probably do more harm than good. I don't want them to get boring. I like the fact that they are a really odd couple -- he's 35ish, she's 19. He's kind of a dick, she's the moral compass of the group. He's all jaded and ex-lawyery and she's all hopeful and naive. They have a lot of chemistry, they're both killer hot, and they really do make sense together... but for them to actually get together would totally kill the show.

I'm finding that when I read discussion posts on different group pages and whatnot, the shipper goggles on some of these fans are on so tightly. It's like the only reason they are watching is to see this relationship between Jeff and Annie finally happen. The thing is, just like the Harry Potter series wasn't solely about Ron and Hermione's romantic relationship, the show Community isn't solely about Jeff and Annie. So I can't really blame the writers for not giving in and giving us that Jeff/Annie moment we've been waiting for. Hopefully there will be some kind of resolution... that cliffhanger kiss last season seriously stung a little bit, especially when Jeff basically asked Annie to just forget about it... but what I'd really like to see is Annie kind of growing a lady pair and taking her amazing qualities on down the road to some other guy, and Jeff realizing he can't get over her and finally stepping up to be the guy she deserves. And let's face it, this may not happen for another two or three seasons -- which is great, because I could really appreciate two or three more seasons of Community. It came a little to close to the wire this year with their renewal announcement, and I was beginning to wonder if they were going to cancel it.

Which brings me to my next point: WATCH COMMUNITY. For the love of Abed, watch this show! If it gets cancelled and becomes one in a long line of entries in one of those "brilliant but cancelled" lists, I'm going to cry real tears of sadness. Because it's so hilarious and amazing and quick and smart and funny and there are serious hotties on it (Joel McHale and Donald Glover and Alison Brie to name a few... even Jim Rash has some killer biceps). It totally blows those superficial, lameass comedies like "How I Met Your Mother" and "The Big Bang Theory" out of the water. And the sad thing is, it seems like the braver and funnier it gets, the less poeple watch it. WTF!

Anyway, I guess the whole point to this silly rambling is that I think I might have outgrown my shipper goggles. I think that although I may squee and giggle and revel in the UST that is Jeff and Annie, I no longer feel it is the writers' duty to hand them over to me in a pretty little package with a bow on top.

Yay maturity???


My sister had some little girl friends over tonight... they ate pizza and watched Poltergeist in the living room. So cute. So reminded me of junior high. We used to all go over to Julie Bennett's and watch Poltergeist, or Poltergeist 2, or Poltergeist 3, or Pet Semetery or something similarly stupid and frightening... get all hopped up on sugar and fat and scariness and then be too afraid to go to the bathroom alone. One time I almost peed my pants because I thought someone was outside on her porch thumping on the wall. Turns out it was just her dog thumping her tail against the siding. (She lived out in the country and by the interstate, so I was always afraid some serial killer truck driver would see the light on the front of the house and decide the night was right for murder.)  Tonight I was in my bedroom watching "Easy A" and laughing every time I heard one of them scream. OMG, memories! How is it possible that all of this was more than 10 years ago?!? I feel so old!

I think my favorite parts of the movie "Easy A" might involve the parents. Stanely Tucci is quite hilarious and oddly sexy, may I add. I find him quite attractive, even though he wore a pinkie ring in "The Devil Wears Prada." It might be the fact that he is the sweetest husband ever in "Julie & Julia" and he is such a sweet dad in "Easy A." Sweet husband/dad + ripped arms = sexy, for sure.

Donald Glover? Is hilarious. And although he talks about the size of his member a little too much for my taste, I do kind of enjoy his rapping. Childish Gambino ftw!

I was really wanting to go at first, but decided not to go see Joel McHale in Ft. Lauderdale. First of all, four hour drive? No thank you. Secondly, tickets are about $90. Kinda steep. Lastly, ALL I WANTED WAS A PICTURE!!! YOU CAN'T DISAPPOINT A PICTURE!!!

I have been feeling very Not Myself lately. I'm not sure what it is... I just feel like I don't want anything to do with anything REAL. I want to disconnect. Watch an entire season of Weeds in bed in one day. Whenever someone approaches me at work and wants something, or calls me on the phone, or texts, or messages me or comes up to me at home, I feel like they are Invading My Space and I Want Them To Go Away Now Please. Very unlike me... I mean, usually I have a few days per month like this (ahem, ladies) but not a constant thing. But this has been going on for a few weeks, almost a month now. What is wrong with me? Am I becoming a crazy bitch lady? Of course this happens to coincide timing-wise with the last time I spoke to my "Fun Buddy" so that could have something to do with it. Tension? Maybe? Idk. Whatever it is, it sucks, and I wish I could stop being such a bitch, but I can't. Hopefully I will be able to soon! This is the most I've felt like talking to someone in a couple weeks, and it's an LJ post. :/ I don't know how much that counts toward actual social interaction. Hm...

To all the moms on my flist: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY tomorrow!!! I hope your children treat you with kindness and do whatever you tell them you want to do. :) I'll be making breakfast for our mom and then probably going to the beach or a museum or something. IDK. Whatever she wants! It's her day!

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