New Home

Jun 18, 2007 18:07

I love my new apartment. It's in a beautiful area, it's a lovely apartment, I have a gorgeous bedroom and best of all I don't feel like my life revolves around work now. It takes me 5 minutes on the bus to get to work (20 minutes walk) not the 60 minutes on the bus I'm so used to.

I'm so relieved to be out of that dump I was living in for so long. Finally I have a place again that I can call mine - be proud of it when it's lovely and clean and be ashamed of myself (note - myself) if it's untidy (cause there's nothing worse than being ashamed of someone else's disgusting mess!).

It's so nice to be living with a friend again too. I'm as different to Adelaide as I am to Frangelic, Organza or Greatly. But to be honest, I don't want to be friends with people just like me (that'd be boring). You learn things from other people, they strengthen your weaknesses, encourage you to do things outside your comfort zone and hopefully give you a reason not to give into the little things in life you don't want to give into.. whether it be a habit, down moods, or silly things like shopping sprees when you should be saving money.

Most of all, an apartment signals a new direction in life. And God only knows I've been needing one of those lately!


ade, moving, apartment, housemates

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