«Gainsbourg (Vie héroïque)» - довольно неожиданно, но вот отличный фильм, повод побороть лень и написать про все остальные. Переводится на русский как «Генсбур. Жизнь героя», однако в российский прокат фильм выпустили под названием «Генсбур. Любовь хулигана». То ли чтоб привлечь широкую публику, то ли просто предположив, что потенциальный зритель
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А знаете израильского режиссера Nir Bergman ("Broken Wings", "Intimate Grammar") ?
Он получил недавно приз на Токийском фестивале второй раз.
Из его интервью с ББС 2003 года:
. . . (сначала вопросы о фильме)
Although the film's set in Israel, there's no mention of the Palestinian conflict. If you were making the film today, almost three years into the second Intifada, would the film be any different?
No. The first Intifada was, of course, before the film was written, but we live in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict from the day we are born. We've grown up with it. As Israelis, we grow up to think that our country is more important than ourselves. You can see it in Israeli cinema all the time - it's always 'we': "We are like this" and "We are like that". This film is not saying "we", it's saying "I". This is about people, it's not about the country.
When the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is solved, we'll be starting to deal with lots of problems that we are putting aside all the time. Things won't be so nice in Israel, because we have such great problems that we don't deal with. Because we say "We have our security problems", and our grandparents told that to our parents. With "Broken Wings", I've tried to fix things at home - fixing something small. But I think if we fixed more small things, then maybe big things would be fixed as well. I really believe that.
"Broken Wings" is now out at UK cinemas. It will subsequently receive its TV premiere as part of Discoveries on BBC Four.
Хорошие японцы! Любят Нира Бергмана.
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