I did NaNo this year as well, and succeeded. Barely. I've been behind the entire month, and finally caught up the 29th, when I wrote almost 7300 words.
Well, looks like I'm doing NaNo this year as well. Though I suppose I'm cheating a bit, as I'm continuing last year's story. It wasn't even halfway done last year, and even though I've been thinking of the story a lot, I haven't written any more since then.
So here's to another 50000 words of my weird Victorian London steampunkish fantasy!
I haven't updated here in a while, and figured I could at least tell/boast about doing NaNoWriMo this year. And I'm ahead of schedule for once, and probably won't give up this year. I've written over 30000 words, and I'm not even halfway through the story that's slowly growing in my mind.
Hum. I just realised something. January 31. marked my 10 year tubal ligation anniversary. 10 years with my tubes tied! Now, if only the IUD would start working to keep my periods away...
Sun, 17:17: RT @ EarthPctures: Firefighter in Denmark rescues cat from burning house.The way he hugs cat and the expressions of cat says it all. http://…