Another look at history....

Oct 05, 2009 14:25

One of my classes this quarter is a History of American Minorities class. For the 12 week quarter, we are moving through the Hispanic/African/Native/Asian - American experiences. Overall about 700 pages of reading plus daily lectures. (Let's put aside the LGBTQ / Deaf / Woman's experiences, among others, which this class should go into....and how do you bundle Asia as one experience).

The current subject is the Hispanic experiences. I'm reading a book called Harvest of Empires which is been interesting so far for its more than descriptive look at the US meddling in Latin America. Some of history we were taught. I do remember one of the 'alternative' approaches to the Panama Canal was to be a canal through Nicaragua using Lake Nicaragua. Well, what wasn't in our books is we (US and US citizens) also managed to meddle in Nicaraguan affairs deeply enough that they are downline ties to the Somoza dictatorship and then the Sandinista revolution. Furthermore, in Panama, to build the canal, we cross-migrated Carribean 'workers' to build the canal....creating a 'caste' that didn't really exist.


...and now I'm hearing Paul Harvey's voice with "...and now you know the rest of the story. Good Day!"

What ick we have wrought in the name of whatever momentary fascination we had!
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