Story told to me yesterday in Austin...

Sep 16, 2009 05:12

From my younger Sister (full Hispanic) at the University of TX cheer tryouts

(slightly paraphrased)

So, I was at cheer tryouts and there was this one other girl there who was Hispanic. I went over to talk to her and find out where she was from and just "shoot the shit." This white girl comes over to us and says, "Wow! That's so cool! Y'all are related , right? Cuz y'all look so much alike!" We looked nothing alike except for both being short. I thought about it for a second....I wanted to say "So, where's your sister? You know, I can't tell you white people apart!"

southplains comment: All day yesterday was a dose of what I consider Texas liberalism. Central Texas is probably the most progressive part of the state. Yesterday started off visiting a friend who works in city government in a suburb of San, and still has to downplay his relationship somewhat. Then my sister mentions her run-in (that wasn't the only one) with racism at UT. (Side note - lunch was at a BBQ place where our server was an ex-vegan where a shirt saying "Scaring vegetarians since 19XX").

It's was just a big day of "Wow!"
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