Jun 20, 2013 14:23
I haven't posted recently... but, I am quite alive and kicking .. here is alittle catchup on me and Jason's life...
1) I have lost 30 pounds... and Jason is looking HELLA fine since we started working out about 8 months ago. I am doing cycling classes along with body pump... 7 days a week... and on Tuesday and Thursday twice a day. I know it is an insane schedule but, it truly does keep me sane and healthy. I have found a core spirituality in working out and transforming my mind and my body. It truly is a way for me to be in contact with my version of what I see as a higher power.
2) I am about 18 months sober now... almost 19 and I am pretty happy with myself about that. I never truly thought that I could enjoy a life of soberity... and when I first stopped drinking it was like all the color had drained out of my life... and none of it was "fun" anymore. Over the past almost 19 months life has taught me how to deal with it, on it's terms not on mine. I have learned that fun can be had in different forms then when I was in my twenties and that true and deep love can see you through anything.
3) Jason and I are doing wonderful. We have been married almost 5 years next month. While there are some things I would change about myself from when I was drinking. I am grateful that I went through it all so that I could end up. Here. Exactly where I am. Exactly who I am meant to be and with the exact person I am suppose to be with.
I use to spend hours pining over loves that I had lost, fought away, pushed away, driven away. But, now I have learned I was suppose to go through each and everyone of those relationships to be the person I am today... and to be with the man I am with. Life is always 100% perfect. I don't know that I would want it to be. Because when it isn't perfect and we have those hard edges in our lives it makes me all the more grateful for the time I do spent in those soft and easy moments. It makes me grateful to trust the universe and to have faith in the fact that no matter where I am at any moment... it is the exact place I was suppose to be in.. at the exact moment. I am where my feet are!