Oh man. Leave it to me to have my laptop survive China and then almost destroy it by dripping tea over it.
But Lappy still lives, so all is well. ^^x*
I've started to think of people as creatures that keep me away from the internet, be it the aunt that drops in for a surprise visit and lecture on politics, the little sister that wants me to take her somewhere (the downside to a driver's lisence) or parents urging you outside because the sun is shining. And of course there are times when I'm just too tired to be bothered.
Well, the sun isn't shining today and I have training in a moment.
Just now when I want to mention so many things, so just bear with me~
I've now started my job-for-a-month in the hospital delivering clean laundry to all of the wards. So it's a pretty important job considering the ER needs clean stuff everyday and we bring it. At the moment I'm just helping out the lady that usually does it by herself to be sufficiently trained for when she goes on holiday somewhere. Then I'll be all by myself.
So if you hear horrible news about the hospital in Soest, it'll probably be my fault.
We had some elections on Sunday and I still feel like I'm lost. We kept our mayor, so at least a certain candidate who's daughter I know and hate didn't win. Later this month we'll have some more elections on a larger scale. I'll try to do some homework for those.
These days it's like voting for the lesser evil, anyway.
yumichin took me to Münster on Saturday, where she was invited to a photoshoot involving corsetts. The guy put one on me too. X_Ox Taking one off is a definition of Freedom in Colle's DIKSHONERY.
Freedom (noun):
1. a song by Janne Da Arc
2. go Watch 'V for Vendetta' if you haven't seen it
3. taking off a corsett
And, to make things more interesting, I'll just show you guys a bunch of random pictures so I don't have to babble so much.
Caption to the following picture: I DON'T DESERVE ANY OF THIS!
OMKami. Now that I'm 20, when I compete in competitions I'm competing against women aged 20 to 29. Now before you think I was all heroic and managed to blow everybody away by turning into a super saiyan ANGSTing / believing in myself / cheating; I won because
I was the only one there aged between 20 and 29. But, if Sarah would have taken part as planned I would have ended up with the chocolate anyway. As soul-food. Because compared to what I could do before I left for a year I sucked. Majorly. The only thing that made me feel like I had achieved something was the 2000m run where I had a limit of 12 minutes to beat. I think the words "COOPER test**" will bring back memories loaded with dread to those who had to do it. It even has the power to make girls have their periods on the very day it takes place. In the end I did make the limit (11:11 phew). Now I hope I can get under all of the other limits for my yearly sports badge. @_@x
**Taken from Colle's DIKSHONERY: COOPER test (noun)
1. when the teacher makes you run for 12 minutes and then you get marked according to how far you got during that time
2. Hell
Mortima is back home. I took this picture while she was still at Bobinsky's. But I don't think she liked him much, but the deed is done now. "Bobby" was so excited to have females around he also had a go at my hand and Anna's T-shirt had to go into the wash.
Oh yes, and my sister never noticed her four day absence. The only thing to do now is see what happens in four weeks time. Then I'll put the blame on my sister.
I am truly evil.
My sister and I do work together sometimes...
(we didn't know the answer, so we wrote "whore" to "old nordic wind (note the 'blowing') instrument")
Meanwhile, my brother's lizard Morpheus has decided that he himself is the chosen one. Sucks to be you, Neo.
Roadtrip~! =3
I went to visit a very old friend of mine last Wednesday. We went to English school together and our families are still in touch. Her father and I have a similar taste in books, he was also the man who recommended Harry Potter to me before they announced the making of the films. I now borrowed "The World According to Clarkson" by Jeremy Clarkson off him. I think it's funny. I'd already heard a few of the anecdotes on QI, but it's cool to read them in detail. In fact, I've just read his opinion on SARS and Ebola, so I'd just like to mention that I will not get vaccinated against swine flu because there's no point.