Dec 31, 2009 12:51
I've been working on my decor, such as it is. The other day I bought new curtains for the dining room. They clashed with my area rug (a rather large, expensive one, so I can't change it) so I had to return them and get a lighter color.
It's pretty much a given that when I buy curtains, I have to take them back. It would be easier if I would just hire someone to go buy the first set and exchange them before I even take them out of the package. It's just something in the universe about me and curtains, a law from ceiling cat: "Ur fust kurtins WILL NOT WURK! Buy nuther pair."
I bought a new area rug for my office, and although it's little bright, I'm keeping it. I was thinking about doing a New Year's speed-closet cleaning, just going like a whirlwind through the house while toting a giant garbage bag. I might, I might not. No need to overdo it.
I read a suspense novel by Laura Unger called Black Out. It was interesting, but it had some unanswered questions that had no hint to the answers. I looked at the comments on Amazon - I always do that with books or movies to see if I'm crazy for being puzzled - and others had the same problem with the book. However, she has written others that are supposed to be good, so I might try them.
I have two movies from Netflix and hamburger defrosting. I have to run out to get a few odds and ends, so I might get a teeny ice cream and a rootbeer, have myself a movie, a hamburger, and a root beer float. The snowplow built a nice wall at the end of my drivveway, though, so it's questionable if I can get out. Nah, I can. Rev up the big ol' Buick and zoom.