le foin etc.

Jun 11, 2005 12:20

I had a job interview this morning and I was hired! A couple of days ago the secretary of the French Department forwarded an e-mail from someone looking for native speakers to do some recordings. It's a short-term project, and although it'll cut on my riding time (since I can't afford to cut on my dissertation time), it pays about $20 an hour. So I had a phone interview last night, and I met with the person from "Language Dynamics" at 9 this morning. He had me translate a sentence, and read a text. He listened to the recording and was quite pleased, and he said I got the job. Apparently, I'm good at sounding spontaneous, and I don't make many mistakes when I read. Hopefully this will prove true when we actually record the stuff, which is basically textbook exercises. While I was reading the text, I realized that I had experience doing that as I've recorded texts for classes I've taught as well as for linguistics experiments. I told him that and he was happy that I had experience in addition. I signed the contract which describes the salary as $425 for 15-17 hours of recording time. If it takes less than that, the money remains the same (I just hope it won't take longer). The task seems a little daunting, though. The first day is Tuesday morning from 8 to 12. Will I have to record reading for 4 hours? Oh well. That kind of money is always welcome.

After that Josh and I went to the farmer's market, and as always we didn't find anything we liked. It makes me wonder if we'll ever go again. We probably will, just for the pastries.

Then we went to Prairieland Feeds and got a non-timothy bale of hay. I was hesitant last week because it's not timothy hay, but the Oxbow just doesn't cut it anymore for them. They've been spoiled. Their poop has been dark and small and dense since I made the switch to Oxbow (although it used to be fine when all they knew was Oxbow, before I switched to cheapo bales). They've also been used to eating lots of hay. Before buying bales, they would go through a Oxbow bag in 2 weeks. Now it barely lasts 6 days, and it costs almost 8 dollars. I ordered a $25 bag or so (9 lbs) but it hasn't arrived yet. In the meantime, I asked on bunnyowners if it was ok to give hay that was a mix of orchard grass/brome/alfalfa and the few people who responded said it was fine. So the bank account and I decided to go get the bale. There isn't much alfalfa in it, much to my relief because it's very rich for bunnies. And the best part: it was only $3.50, taxes included! Now hopefully the bunnies will like it and their poop will go back to normal.

Below is a picture of a high school in downtown Strasbourg, though I'm not sure which one. Compare it my my high school behind the cut!

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