
Dec 16, 2006 18:52

Sherry found herself giggling uncontrollably, and only laughing that much more with the look Jake gave her when he asked what was so funny.

"I was just doing that thing where I think about what if life were a movie."

He just gave her another confused look. "I don't get it."

He reminded her almost of a confused puppy with the look on his face, and she found herself laughing that much more. Even if he was a cute confused puppy. How had she never noticed that before? She had always noticed his blue eyes. They were hard not to notice. Baby blues. That was why she had deemed him Baby Boy, contrary to the more obvious explanation that he was the baby of their circle of friends.

"If this were a movie, we would have to kiss right now, because we're friends and we're drunk, and in movies, that's what always happens."

"Oh. Well f'you wanna kiss, m'not gonna turn you down."

The strangest part was that, in the moment, she did want to kiss him. She couldn't explain why. She had just never thought of Jake that way. He was the same as Gabe and Anton in her eyes. Cute in his own unique way, but one of the guys. One of her friends. Sherry enjoyed getting around, and never took issue with casual sex, but she was not the type to sleep with her friends. Sex wasn't just messy physically. When you mixed it with friendship, it became messy emotionally too, and no orgasm would be worth making her few close friendships so messy as that had the potential to become. Still, the desire to kiss him had her heart racing, and she could almost feel his lips against hers, sweet the same as he was and flavored with the bottle of rum they had shared.

That was what it was. It was the rum, jumbling her thoughts and mixing her overactive hormones with her feelings. She couldn't possibly have a crush on Jake. That would be ridiculous, not to mention disastrous. Jake didn't think of her that way, and the only reason he would answer like he had was because he was as tipsy as she was and he was a boy confronted with a decently attractive girl bringing up the idea.

She laughed it off, shoving the idea aside as she kissed his forehead, ignoring the little voice in the back of her head telling her that she had missed her actual target.

"You smell like rum. I only like that smell on me."

"...Damn." he muttered, shifting to rest his head on her shoulder as he closed his eyes. "Maybe next time."

She giggled sleepily as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close to her. Drinking always made her tired after a short while if she didn't have anything with her alcohol. "'Course. Next time we will, Jakey."

Which she meant. Sort of. Maybe if she'd had enough to drink so that she would forget what a disaster it would turn into once they were sober again. Or if they had both had enough to drink that they wouldn't remember it, and nothing would have to change between them. It seemed cheesy and cliched, but she did value him as a friend too much to risk losing that.

Jake stifled a small yawn, moving around again to get comfortable, causing her to have to shift her position to stay close. She hated sleeping alone, and had a habit of molding her body against that of whoever she fell asleep next to. Typically, it was Jake. He was an oversized teddy bear to her. His hold was never possessive or overly firm, giving her enough room to be comfortable and warm without smothering her.

"Got lotsa stuff to do." he mumbled.

Sherry nestled in against his chest, quickly beginning to fade out to the rhythmic beat of his heart. "Like what?"

"Cancun. C'n go tomorrow."

She wasn't certain if she giggled again or not, though she knew she was at least smiling as her fingers found their way into his hair, shoving his hat out of her way.

"Yeah... Like that idea. What'll we do in Cancun?"

"Not be here."

Something in his tone told her there was something not entirely right, but she was already so comfortable, and they were both so tired now. She could ask him what was wrong with here in the morning. If she remembered. No, she would remember, and she would ask him then. While they were on the way to Cancun. She would borrow Mandy's car so they could go, and they would sip pina coladas on the beach. And she would laugh at how pastey Jakey was. And he would stare at her boobs in her skimpy blue bikini. And then they could kiss while they were there. That would be perfect.

"Like that idea." she murmured. "Promise..." she yawned. "Promise I'll wear a tiny bikini for you, too."

She thought she heard him say that he would like that, but it could have just been a dream starting a bit early. It wasn't important anyways.
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