
Dec 12, 2006 18:14

Aside from having woken up looking like Alice Cooper's ugly sister, the morning wasn't so painful as Sherry had feared it might be. Once she had managed to drift off, Sherry had slept more soundly than she had in a week. Then again, she always slept heavily after crying.

It wasn't something that she did often. Crying just always made her feel weak and pathetically girly. So whenever something did manage to break her down enough to draw tears, she always found herself unable to stop until she passed out. She wasn't a sobber, and her voice would hardly shake at all. When Sherry cried, the only way to know it was to actually see her face. But the tears would leak continually until she passed out, at which point nothing but her internal alarm could wake her.

Of course, the trouble with her internal alarm was that it wanted her to sleep until 8:00, and she had to be at work by 9:00. She hated the morning shift, but they were easy hours to get. She climbed out of bed and searched Jakey's dresser for clothes she had left there before, turning up a pair of worn jeans and her Rooney tanktop. She would just steal one of his sweatshirts before she left so she didn't freeze.

Sherry then made her way to the bathroom for a quick, hot shower. The lack of an overwhelming grape scent let her know Jakey hadn't had his bubblebath yet. He had said last night that he would make breakfast for her. Most likely, he was in the kitchen doing so right now, but she wouldn't have time for that, which left her feeling vaguely grateful. The pending conversation was one that she knew she didn't want to have before rushing off to work, regardless of how it went.

It seemed so awkward to even consider talking, she mused as she turned off the shower to dry and dress. According to the movies and Mandy, these things were just supposed to happen. Everything was supposed to fall into place after that first kiss.

She bit her lip and grinned slightly at the memory. The night had been awkward, and she was fairly certain he had fallen asleep still upset with her, but the kiss had at least been perfect. The way he had tipped her chin up, and his lips were every bit as soft as she had thought they would be. While she prayed that she would be lucky enough to have him kiss her again, even if he never did, she would still have that memory to make her smile.

She borrowed Mary's eyeliner and mascara to finish her makeup and swept her hair up into a damp and messy ponytail. Not the best she had ever looked, she decided, but it would pass. She turned on the hot water for a moment again to fill the bathroom with steam and wrote a note to Jakey, asking him to meet her after work for dinner, his choice, her treat, and added the date so he would know that the message was new when he saw it while taking his bath. She supposed she could have just texted him while at work, but she liked this method better, and he was familiar enough with the routine to expect it.

A quick trip back to his room found her a sweatshirt and her boots, and she lifted the window open to climb up. Straddling the sill, she paused when the flowers from last night caught her eye. They sat on the floor, right where she had left them. She swung her leg back over the edge into the room and crossed over to pluck a flower from the bouquet. She snapped the stem short and tucked it into her ponytail, then quickly climbed out the window and took off at a sprint for the mall. If she ran, she could still make it on time, and then after work she and Jakey could work everything out.
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