--name: becca
--hair color: brown
--eye color: green
--height: 5'6
--righty or lefty: righty
--zodiac sign: leo
--your heritage: colombian
--shoes you wore today: black chucks
--your weakness: falling for people
--your fears: dying alone
--your perfect pizza: bbq chicken southwest thing from dewey's
--goal you'd like to achieve: i don't even know
--your thoughts when first waking up: why?
--your bed time: i don't have one. whenever i get tired i go to bed
--your most missed memory: memories of when i was happy
--pepsi or coke: coke
--mcdonalds or burger king: i don't eat at fast food restraunts (unless i want fries)
--adidas or nike: adidas?
--lipton ice tea or nestea: i don't fucking care
--chocolate or vanilla: depends on what mood i'm in
--cappuccino or coffee: both
LAYER FIVE: do you..?
--cuss: yes
--sing: i try to, but it probably doesn't sound very good
--take a shower everyday: yes
--think uve been in love: yes
--want to go to college: yes
--like school: no
--want to get married: someday..
--believe in urself: not often
--get motion sickness: not often
--think ur a health freak: oh god no
--get along with ur parents: most of the time
--like thunderstorms: when i'm with friends i do, when i'm alone its kinda scary
--play an instrument: used to
in the past month...
--gone to the mall: yes
--eaten sushi: no
--been on stage: no
--gone ice skating: no
--made homemade cookies: yes
--gone skinny dipping: no
--dyed ur hair: no
--been called an asshole: yes
--gotten beaten up: yes
--changed who you were to fit in: never
--age u hope to be married: before i'm 30, after 25 maybe? i don't know
--numbers and names of children: 2... why would i come up with names already?
--describe dream wedding: not too big. family. close friends. someone i really love
--how do u want to die: a non-painful one
--where do u want to go to college: osu
--wht do u want to be when u grow up: not really sure anymore. either something with writing, designing, or horses
--wht country would u most like to visit: anywhere in europe or new zeland
in a boy...
--best eye color: blue
--best hair color: dark brown/black
--short or long hair: i like both, but not too short and not too long
--height: taller than me, although there is one exception
--best weight: skinny, but no chicken legs please
--best articles of clothing: tight jeans and band shirts
--best first kiss location: i don't know.
LAYER TEN(in ur life)
--. of people i could trust with my life: maybe 2?
--. of cds: lots
--. of tattoos: none yet
--. of peircings: 2... my mom is pretty stingy
--. of scars: lots.. more than i can count