Today I am mostly having Sunday night anxiety. Why Sunday night should be a particularly anxious time, I don't know, but for me it definitely is. Stop it, Sunday night.
Elementary did something I'm not 100% sure of this week.
I was so excited when I saw they were doing The Adventure of the Cardboard Box! And I am glad they didn't just recreate the original story, because really, they did have to do something new with it. But I am weirdly sad they didn't keep the central conceit of the multiple-revenge which is sent in a form that means nothing to the person who receives it... but everything to the person it was meant for. I felt like the actual answer, while obviously intended to be kind of gross/cool, was just not as neat.
Then again, the main joy of Elementary has never been the plots, so. *g* And I am still madly in love with Joan, and still want Ms Hudson back. Lestrade is okay, but more Ms Hudson dammit!
The Americans is having really great episode geeking over at
theamericans comm, but one thing that is standing out to me right now is
the way that this season, the threat level has been raised not specifically, but generally, in a way I find really interesting. Last season, there were more specific holy-shit-are-they-gonna-get-caught moments... except we as viewers know pretty confidently that no, they're not. The show did really well at making those moments count anyway, but there's an in-built limitation there, I think.
This season, at least so far, it's a nebulous threat that they're living with, all the time, at a point when they're already vulnerable. They don't know who, they don't know when or what, but they know in their bones that someone could do bad things at any time and it's messing with their heads. And that seems so very appropriate to the Cold War.
(The other threat? Is COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE. Paige is amazing and I am loving the whole subplot about her SO MUCH. Their own family is the threat! It all works on so many frickin levels I want to marry the writers sometimes.)
(Have I told everyone who likes drama or spies or 80s politics or really well done emotional dynamics to go and watch The Americans already? I have? Okay then.)
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