Linkage! Wow, I have a truly wrong amount of tabs open for this. Okay.
Harry Potter ones:
Post-Conflict Potter is a brilliant post-conflict analysis of the state of the wizarding world after the civil war.
Also, did you know Snape did an It Gets Better video? If you didn't, you should watch it, and if you did I rather suspect you'll watch it again because BWAHAHAH.
Some silly ones:
Sarcastic Responses to Completely Well-Meaning Signs made me laugh far too much.
What happens when two chatbots start talking to each other: they start discussing god and whether they want physical bodies! Even funnier than that should be. HEE.
These may in fact be, as advertised, the Best Wedding Pictures Ever.
Sciencey ones:
Ben Goldacre on the statistics of 'people of subgroup x have enlarged area y in their brains' reports. A fascinating article on a report
that seems to indicate gender differences in performing spacial-awareness tasks are culturally created.
Political ones:
I've been meaning to link
this article on breaking down the top 1% of earners for a while.
I don't have anything to say about Jack Layton's death - and certainly nothing to say that wouldn't seem ridiculous or trite compared to the stuff written by people who were closely involved with him and his campaigns for years - but I would like to pass on
the letter he wrote on his deathbed as being a wonderful illustration of just what makes people say the guy was special.
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