Good points about the last NCIS -
Tim was really very pretty indeed in a Coat of Hotness, which I approve of.
The gay kid lived! And while the ending was corny corny corny 'all homophobia has now been solved!'-y, it was nice to see an ending that was about a young queer person getting to go for the future they want with this being shown as completely okay and positive.
Ziva having what very much sounded like a “you can come out to me, it’s okay” talk with Tony which made me laugh and aww because Ziva is just... awesome. Also I love that she has a dude who is apparently making her happy and I love that the others are protective, though I could do without the Tiva hinting.
Vance being back and with a walking stick because yay, someone remembered that getting badly injured doesn’t magically get better by the following week! (And Gibbs and Vance having a conversation about it in a realistic way was nice too.)
That they specifically said it was not okay to kill some dude just because he was gay.
Things I did not so much like about the last NCIS -
That they specifically pointed out that it was not okay to kill some dude just because he was gay. I mean, I appreciate that they’re trying, and I did already know they weren’t the most subtle show in the world. And lord knows there’s people who need to hear that. But it’d be nice to live in a world where whether it’s okay or not to murder me and people I love isn’t up for debate - and also, where decisions like that aren’t apparently all about Gibbs Making A Moral Stand rather than, y’know, people being murdered.
I am sort of torn about the boyfriend’s wife bit. Even though on balance I think they probably did mean for her to be seen as unpleasant, at least, it was so heavy handed that it was difficult to tell what they thought they were aiming at. The end result was skeevily like they were saying it was okay she was a raging bigot because omg her husband is GAY and how does anyone ever get over that, like she should get points because she didn’t murder anybody. Personally, I don’t care whether she didn’t kill the guy, I wouldn’t want to be in a room with her because that level of skeevy hate quite frankly frightens me.
I think this response is also part of my growing frustration with the pressure put on people who are the receiving end of social and structural prejudice to just shut up, as if as long as you aren’t immediately in danger of your life then you’ve got nothing to complain about.
With the boyfriend’s wife, it was sort of hard to tell what they were trying to say - largely, I suspect, because I was watching through some very definite Holy Shit What She’s Saying Is VILE glasses. I mean, at least she was a legitimate suspect, so on that level they’re saying it was reasonable to think she might kill somebody for being gay; but on another there’s an immense pressure to feel bad for suspecting her at all, like how COULD you be so horrible and uncharitable as to think anything bad about someone who hasn’t even tried to kill you? Putting her in the ‘innocent’ column hit that button for me. Fuck that.
The Good Wife is so awesome. I love that Alicia is kicking ass and is realising how much she does NOT need Peter to earn fucktonnes of money to keep her family going. She is great. I am deeply, deeply pissed off at Eli for deleting her messages (I actually yelled THE WOMAN DESERVES TO CHOOSE FOR HERSELF YOU FUCKTARD at the screen) and also Peter for snooping and for assuming she wants to go back to being the homebody. MAYBE SHE DOESN'T, MR READING-HIS-WIFE'S-TEXTS.
And oh, oh, Kalinda. Kalinda has an EX and it is SO SAD and Kalinda is just stunningly beautiful. I love that they went there, completely unapologetically, and this other investigator clearly Knows Stuff and Kalinda got a BASEBALL BAT and it was awesome. I love that she will respond to threats with "Bring it on." and KICK ASS. In that way where my heart just breaks for her more every episode and I want to know moooore.
I don't know what I think about the new candidate lady; I kind of love her for not being a typical white dude, but her trying to get Eli makes me think her apparent perfection is set up for a major fall which will get Peter back into office, and HMMM.
Oh man, I forget just how much I love Being Human. Like, despite the fact that the wrapup of last season's Annie issues was kind of quick - SURELY that has to come back? right? - this was such a kickass opener. Werewolf fights! The train murders coming back to haunt them! Mysterious Stuff! I am so anticipatory I can't even. Other favourite things:
George likes Fawlty Towers! I forgot how much I love George, and his glasses, and NINA COMING TO HIS RESCUE even though she was barely together herself, and I love THEM, and I love that they both wanted to be respectful to the dying and George was properly Jewish but couldn't remember the rest.
George doesn't want to lose Mitchell too - oh god that bit was so sad and THEY ALL LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH, oh my heart. Though the bit that got me the most for that was "Everything that happened would have happened earlier and much worse if I hadn't met you." "Just come back." SOB. SOB. SOB. FLAIL.
Mitchell's first was officially a dude! I love Mitchell's coded-queerness SO MUCH. (And it's got to be deliberate - that was NOT SUBTLE.) He is my favourite extremely fucked up mass-murdering guilt-ridden immortal vampire bi boy. And now he's "going to be killed by a werewolf" the fuck?!?! Oh god the rest of the season needs to be now.
And I am crap at birthdays, but today has TWO.
The first is
jai, who is delightful and who I kind of can't believe I've only met in person once. I am totally having a drink in her honour, and you should too. (Well, if you drink. I'm not that dictatorial. *g*)
And the other one is
catwalksalone, and I feel like the world needs to know this because, on levels I cannot even begin to describe, the last few years have been SO much better for having Cat in them. She is an oasis of - okay, sometimes she's an oasis of being annoyed at dumbassery or squeeing or having the prettiest princess of a pet feline, but I love all those things and she has made a whole lot of difference to my world, and that is one of the things I want to remember today. ♥
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