Falling asleep, but hey, it is the Eleventh of March ("and those who are not here, be they sleeping or... doing something else, will feel themselves sort of crappy", after all) and I figure I am due some geek.
NCIS managed both cuteness and heartrending in one episode! Usually they pick one or the other.
Tim and Tony were great - Tim was HOT LIKE BURNING, in the Coat Of Uberhotness and having made an ap for his iPhone that hacks everything (OF COURSE YOU DID) and Tony being all impressed and being Tim's laptop stand, haha. I love the double-daring and Timmy being WAY EXCITED by portable fingerprint scanners and having a record - "That was supposed to be expunged!" hahah Tim your bird poop gun will live forever - and Tony referring to him as "Criminal", which ended up sounding waaay more married than anyone who's not seen Tim and Tony bicker could imagine. OMG.
Tim and Ziva being badass buddies was WIN. I love Ziva! I love that she totally realised the stories were too similar and did eyebrowing about it! I love that she and Tim can go and be crimebusting partners and she is appalled by Tony's stinky socks (don't blame her although I do like barefoot Tony) and just, yay, Ziva.
And ABBY. Oh my god they have ABBY AND A PUPPY. I just. And then they use it to break our hearts because Ducky's mum died and he didn't tell anyone because he didn't want to be a bother and my heart broke into a million pieces but Abby and Ziva guessed and Abby went to find him and Abby is wonderful. And then Gibbs, um, pretended to be a cadaver in order to surprise his boyfriend, or something, but it was surprisingly funny and touching despite that so I won't go OMFG WHAT too much. Mark Harmon and David McCallum do some really stellar acting opposite each other, not at all unrelatedly.
Yeah, I kinda love it. ♥ omg.
White Collar did the LITERALLY BLOW EXPECTATIONS UP thing, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and only partly because Neal is kind of trying to steal my gay. And, um, the whole epic confrontation at the plane was all about how romantically tinged the whole Peter/Neal/El thing is. Like, if Peter had been a woman, NO WAY would that even have been an argument, at all. It was a Peter-and-El-vs.-Kate showdown, and OH MY GOD I was not expecting it to be as explicit as that!
(They love him! And he's so conflicted, and saying goodbye while not wanting to really, and oh babies! *black heart goes clench*)
Oh and Diana was BACK and AWESOME and while it is a shame they apparently had no idea how to use Natalie Morales at all, I am glad Diana still kicks ass and is BACK. El kicked righteous ass too - her little "this is the dude? RIGHT. LET HIM HAVE IT." face was awesome, and I just love that she had a genuinely strong reaction to the guy that wasn't just about Peter, it was about her business (and her family and her home and her sense of injustice, but they remembered she would actually care about her job!) and it wasn't, like, diluted into All Women's Emotions Are Actually About The Menz.
I was miffed they blew up Kate before we could actually meet her and decide if she was a baddie or not. I mean, fridging her before we even get a reunion scene? I suspect she will be magically not dead though. And maybe in that case the awesome, awesome White Collar women will actually get to be in a scene together! (El and Diana talking. I WANT THIS SO MUCH.)
How is not everyone watching Psych? Seriously one of the best shows on TV in ages. Come on people!
I knew it would go with the drama again once I saw the episode title, but oh good lord they do Genuinely Creepy very well. I was so hoping it wasn't Mary, because I love Mary and his creepy nutjob ways, and then it looked like it was but it wasn't and now he's dead but Shawn and Gus totally gave him racketball in heaven and I went 'aw'.
And: Henry and Shawn HUGGED. THAT WAS AN HONEST TO GOODNESS HUG. And so did Jules and Lassie, but I suspect they have a policy of hugging post-trauma anyway (awww) and Shawn and Henry didn't, but they both did and it was spot-on after that episode of OMFG EEEEK. And they could have made so much more of a hash of the 'Pick Which Girl Lives' thing - but no, they saved them both, and Jules will go on to kick ass while Abigail very reasonably decided she would rather live and do stuff than be Shawn's girlfriend and die, and they are both decent people. And Gus had a gun and was really very pretty and AWESOME - him and Shawn on the phone after made my heart go 'omg' too.
(And Mr Yang is still fucking creepy and I don't even know how they're going to make Yin creepier than her, even if it turns out Yin is her, or something.)
And it managed to be funny despite that. "House-chilling"! Hahah! I loved all the Hitchcock, too. And I would have smacked someone if they offed McNab like that, but they DIDN'T and just, yeah. Awesome.