TaT Reread - Conglomeration of Thoughts

May 12, 2018 00:10

This is my first time participating in a re-read discussion on time, so please forgive (and let me know) if anything is up with formatting or how this entry is submitted.

I just jotted down thoughts as I was reading this week, so here are a few that occurred to me with a couple I'm curious to hear others' thoughts on.

1. Right off the bat on p.1 we get this phrase: "Midday, and the houseboy was gone on an errand, probably stealing a nap somewhere." The houseboys are specifically stated as being young later in the chapter, and napping is not exclusive to any one character, but the 'stealing a nap' was such a unique way to phrase it that my imagination immediately started playing around with the idea of it being the sort of thing Gen might do, [Link to spoiler]. It was a beautifully entertaining few moments.

2. Which does lead me to a question or missing point - how did Costis get into the palace in the first place? Despite all the training he's received in Attolia, he still doesn't strike me as a sneak and subterfuge kind of person in his approach to getting the job done. It's easy to assume he got help from Ornon who also arranged a convenient boat passage, but I would think that the risks of an ambassador from a country that's only diplomatically not at war with the Mede smuggling someone into the palace or having a member of their retinue happen to disappear right at the same time a very valuable slave goes MIA would be significant enough they'd need to use resources another step or two removed from Ornon to get Costis inside. It does sound like a relationship with Laela has been cultivated as well, but that still seems pretty risky for her to be directly involved in. This is the only reason I feel I can briefly entertain the idea of Gen being a houseboy, as implausible as that actually would be.

3. I can't find the specific quote, but I believe Kamet says something to the effect of stealing a slave not being a particularly prestigious job. It occurred to me that stealing the 'right hand' of the future Medean Emperor's brother ([Link to spoiler] who is ultimately able to give Attolia the key to destroying the Medean fleet and seriously hampering a potential invasion) would probably give Costis quite a bit of prestige, and another subtle multi-purposed tactic by Attolis that not only accomplishes a much needed 'mission', but also simultaneously counter-balance the legal and personal shame of punching ones king in the face.

4. I'm thinking that the spiteful stealing of said 'right hand' was only one of a multi-pronged approach to getting back at Nahuseresh and undermining the Medean empire; it's just the part emphasized through MWT's famous POV play. It will be interesting to see what more there is to the story with the 'incompetent steward' at Nahuseresh's estate, [Link to spoiler] and I do kind-of wonder if Nahuseresh's being fully discredited before the emperor and emperor-elect and his alleged 'death by poison' might end up being more foreshadowing of actual future events.

5. Can Costis hear what Kamet is thinking? There are a few times during their first few hours together that indicate maybe he can. For example: p. 38 "We leave within the hour" in response to Kamet trying to think of a diplomatic way to ask this question; p. 40 "The Attolian nodded then, as if I'd said something and he was merely agreeing." and later when his attitude becomes quite chilly when Kamet badly underestimates him again, assuming Costis an idiot.

6. Costis is immediately interested in the story of Immakuk/Ennikar and seems to be fairly aware of them throughout the story. It does fit with his mildly 'touristy' attitude that pops up occasionally throughout the book, but I did wonder if he's more sensitive to the reality of their story based on his past experiences with the God of Thieves.

7. Can we just take a moment to appreciate the awesomeness and efficiency of Costis knowing enough about Medean culture to make things like knowing about paying fees and dying a fingertip, buying appropriate clothing to make someone appear a free man, and knowing the only safe place an Attolian and slave could be seen together without comment was in the cheap seats of a theater seem commonplace? Also taking on two of the Namreen himself and winning within moments?? It reminds me of Gen speaking 'Attolian' so fluently that it's only when half asleep that people realize he's hiding an Eddisian accent. I'm sure it was part of some extensive training and instruction, but it still points to a pretty high level of professional competency and personal intelligence.

8. The initial poems/stories of Immakuk/Ennikar - this is something I've struggled with in Tat especially. I understand the basic undercurrent of an amazing bromance of two disparate characters forging friendship through their adventures, and some parallels in the types of adventures they face, but I still feel like I'm missing the 'meat' of why these specific stories set the stage for the rest of the book, or the parallels between these particular events described and the opening chapters of TaT. Has this been discussed elsewhere or does anyone have any
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