Sep 12, 2005 22:27
So the day started great. Got up for my first day of school. Super excited. Go to school, park in the special place that the security guy promised. fantastic. See all my friends, "wow you got a hair cut!" well no sillies, its acctually the light refracting from the wide eyes of the little sixth graders that have no clue that "upper school" is about to give them a big fat smack in the mouth. then its time for schedules. i was 90% sure they would fuck mine up (since they have for a consecutive 4 years.) but i had a nice little suprise, not only was my schedule correct but i had an interesting class. my free period was filled not with computers, but film class. ahh joy. im really looking forward to it. the rest of the school day was pretty good. found out my econ class was a college class. yay i get college credit. but the downside is that my midterm in on october 28. i just got the book today. ohh joy. only really scared about AP us history and the AP econ. i hope i can do it.
then i came home (after an hour of waiting at every traffic light because of the power situation) sat around. then i went to get some school supplies. fun fun. binder for every class yay whatever. then i went to "work". i pick up a girl from her bus stop and help her with her homework, and get paid $10 an hour. fun.
then came home from "work" thats when it started to go sour. my dad reminded me that the rabbi's play is quickly approching and i would have to decided (and reherse (sp?) a song of the audition) im stuck. i wanna do the play soo bad. but i dont know if I can do it. im gonna have so much work this year. not to mention "work" and tennis. oh yea and i was planing on having a life too. this is supposed to be a great year, and im already all fucked off about it. oy.
so all of this and then i start thinking. and some of you might not know this (i dont even know who reads this anymore, im just venting) but i think. A LOT. possibly to much. a unhealthy amount of thinging i feel. and everything wizes through my naive little mind and a bazzilioth of a second ( it hurt quite a bit i might add) everything. mabye the thing what bothered me the most were relationships that i have, or mabye the ones i dont have. there are a people a couple specifically that i i have relationships with. well if you want to call them that. you see people are busy these days. the point im trying to get to is, its weird. (vauge i know) i typed up a big thing about this but then erased it. it was kinda kreeping me out.
now i ask one thing of the readers of this epic. PLEASE do not let this post change you views of me in any way. if i see that anyones opinion of me has changed i will have more trust issues than i already have. (well i dont have any, so rather i will begin have trust issues)((mabye))((well its not likely)) so just please dont let this go under you "Its Official Bennett is a Nutcase" folder. just look at me as you always did
much appreciated,
Bennett Hamilton