I wore my
sweater today. How about you?
I also made pierogies tonight. I have only had pierogies once, and never made them. Even here, I am using the term "made" rather loosely. It would be more appropriate to say that I bought some unprepared pierogies from the Russian market up the street and prepared them. Still, they were rather awesome. I sauteed some sweet onions in butter and walnut oil until they just started to caramelize, then pulled the onions out of the pan, reserving the oil. Adding a bit more of the butter and walnut oil, I kicked up the heat and fried the pierogies until they were crispy and golden on the sides. Topped them with the onions, some fresh chives, and a bit of the butter/walnut oil blend, and served them with sour cream.
Good stuff. Next time, maybe I'll make my own dough and fill them myself. Might or might not be worth the effort, though - the ones from the Russian market were excellent and reasonably priced. Still, I would like the experience of it.