Title: Dead
Author: Mika (
Band: The Gazette
Pairing: Ruki x Reita, Ruki x ?
Rating: PG13
Genre: Angst
Chapters: One shot / drabble
Warning: No beta
Disclaimer: Do not own anyone.
Summary: “I’m here for you, baby.”
Note: Just something.. Comments are love!
Ruki's POV
And now I’m drowning in grief’s ocean.
Here it’s dark, deep and it’s bigger than anyone.
I cry my tears and they disappear in the thousands of water drops.
They get lost among the others grieving tears.
Absently I feel your hand grab mine and you hold it tightly in yours.
“I’m here for you, baby.”
Your whisper is only a whisper.
It’s sad, but only words.
Words that do not reach me.
Yes, you are here.
But he is gone.
And I am somewhere else.
Inside I search for a memory of him.
I try to find it, hold on to it.
But it’s fading away, little by little, piece by piece, tear by tear.
I sink deeper.