Mar 21, 2009 19:23
[Filtered FROM Nathan Petrelli-- because he doesn't want Nathan knowing he's evil]
Citizens of the Barge:
This is your Lord and Master speaking. You'll find that the Infirmary is quite off-limits from this point forward. Let's hope there aren't any nasty incidents of violence any time soon or a-- oh, now what could be positively catastrophic? Could it be, hm, something like this little vial I'm holding? Care to take any guesses as to what's inside?
That's right! A virus! And I wonder how lethal it is. What would happen if somebody happened to slip, let the vial crack... I'm sure it'd be quite a mess.
Of course, I could enroll you in the Barge's new healthcare plan, for a teeny tiny price.
The Doctor. Surrender him to me.
[OOC: The Master's drunk for the first time in his life. It was an accident. Now he's just... sitting in the Infirmary with a chair shoved against the door, listening to some REALLY LOUD AND ANNOYING dance music, while he continues to pursue this lovely feeling his scotch is giving him by drinking more. He thinks this is an awesome and totally evil plan and thought nothing through at all.
...yeah, so my Master muse has been on the fritz lately :\
OH YEAH. And no, he doesn't have a virus. Duh.
He's also dancing.
EDIT: THANKS TO TIMELINES, Amy and I have worked out that the Master's drunk because Ralph beat him up earlier and it hurt his sense of pride]
who: doctorrrrr!,
drunk master,
worst plan ever