123 // HAY GUIZ HAY [Audio/Video]

Jan 04, 2011 18:56

[Audio; STEALTH ENCRYPTION: Anti-Time Lord]
[FAKE SAM TYLER TIME. The audio clicks on, and you catch the tail-end of a sentence:] --can't be. I can't... [He lets out a slightly hysterical laugh. AS SAM WAS WONT TO DO.] This is doin' my head in...

This is... [He takes in a long, shuddering breath.] DCI Sam Tyler. And... [Regretful sort of pause.] It looks like I'm back home.

[Video; TIME LORD FILTER: added several hours after the first transmission.]
[And the Master's at his desk, in his fancypants master bedroom from the Valiant. He's leaning back, chair turned at a slight angle, as he looks up at the ceiling musingly.]

Well. Isn't this nice. A big, happy reunion. And to think, when I left, there was only the Doctor. [He says the next bit with great amusement, and the standard undertone of smug contempt:] Now the Barge is beginning to look a lot like Gallifrey!

[He shifts so that he's facing the camera head-on, his gaze staring directly into it. HE'S ADDRESSING YOU NOW, DOCTOR.] Are you enjoying it, Doctor? The old, familiar faces. Friends, enemies... [He looks bored and throws in a dismissive:] stuffy bureaucrats.

Personally, between you and me: I can't wait to see who the Admiral drags in next. Drax? There's a face I haven't seen in ages. I wonder what he's up to...? I mean. [He shrugs widely, laughing pleasantly.] Aside from being dead. [He puts a finger to his lips and taps it.] Romana? Mm, but I don't expect she'll be showing her face here any time soon. Not after last time. [He smiles affably and continues.] Well, there's always the Rani, assuming that whole... [Airquotes] "redemption" thing doesn't stick. Of course, the Admiral could always throw a curveball and hit you with somebody else entirely. Davros, maybe? No?

[That affable smile adopts a sharp, nasty edge.] The possibilities are positively endless once you've reduced two great civilisations to dust.

[After a pause, he drops the smile and he rolls his eyes with a scowl.] Rassilon's rod, but you lot are dull even in death. [And then he immediately puts a hand to his mouth, appearing sheepish.] Oops! Guess I shouldn't say that anymore. After all... [He leans close and cups a hand by the side of his mouth, whispering conspiratorially.] He can hear me.

[OOC: Several notes! First, please don't infomod your character into "guessing" he's the Master right off, unless you have very good reason (although I AM ASSUMING HE WILL BE CAUGHT BETWEEN HIS FIRST TRANSMISSION AND SECOND).

Second, he's wearing a suit that looks similar to Sam's modern-day one, not any 1970s fare. So, if you happen upon him on the deck, and you know Sam went back to 1973 (PREFECT), you can catch him there.. but remember that Sam's own timeline was so screwy that it's not 100% inconceivable that he'd be from 2006.

THIRD, as I'm unfamiliar with the Gallifrey audios (until I inevitably give them a listen), could I get a quick heads up on what the Master should/would know about your character before they interact? I don't want him to accidentally go "HI NARVIN LOL" if he wouldn't know him, or go "WHO'S BRAX" if he would be familiar with him, etc. I did some reading on the Who wiki, BUT IT WASN'T REALLY ALL THAT HELPFUL.]

who: doctorrrrr!, genocide is fun, plotting, being a creeper, master hates you all, being sincere or lying his ass off?

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