♬ Connell 003 ♩ video/action

Jul 12, 2010 14:22

[Today, Connell stood beside the fountain where newcomers usually arrive in. Recalling the first day he arrived here for a moment, he can't help but put on a small smile. It was a bit of a panic, though slowly he's become used to this place... maybe a little. Here at the fountain area, he brought along a little table where he placed his DoReMi elves aligned on top of, as well where he had placed his communicator device on. Clicking the video on now, he smiled down pleasantly:]

... Good day. Ah... I do not wish to disturb anyone, so please ignore this if you do not wish to hear my performance. Thank you. [he leaves that smile to the video feed, then took a few steps away from the table now. It's been a while since he performed. Perhaps it would be a good time, with all the confused hearts around them, including his own self. But most of it all: is that his precious friends, the musical elves, are back with him. It's enough for him to be motivated enough to sing with them. After a small preparation of his breath, he started, together with his elves, singing one of the songs that he had learned from Annallee]

I run in the wind of the desolated plain,

And in this moment I feel something . . .

[ ooc | Backdated for the 4th wall event. Anything, anyone goes! Please note that the song is sung in Annallee's voice, but since Connell's a child, I suppose the pitch won't be too different. The lyrics are, and sung, in Italian. I just wanted to be consistent in the language for the entry. You can find the Italian lyrics in the comments of the video, as well as the English translation. The DoReMi elves were received by Connell during the curse at the 8th. ]

singing, *video, performance, #fourth wall, annallee's song, *action, doremi elves

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