Jun 30, 2010 11:25
[here, there's a boy with a black beret looking over optimistically. the background appears to be somewhere at the City, he's walking around]
Well, so far so good. Ah, look, Lord Tyr! I'm getting the hang of this. The City is rather strange, there's so much things I am not familiar with. As for the curses... I'm worried about the others... I hope everyone is doing all right? If there's anything I can do... Let me know? I might not be able to do much, but I'll do my best. [tiny, assuring smile]
Jobs, jobs... I'm still trying to go around to look for one. Does anyone know - um, where I could see a list of wanted ones? I would really appreciate it.
[the view of the video gets tilted faintly when the boy ended the video with careful hands]
job searching - what? it's necessary!!,
so what's over here anyway,
this is my new turf now