Progress Journal.

Dec 23, 2005 18:46

Every ten pounds I gain I'm going to document and post my results.

I started at approximately 130 pounds. The photo above is my body at that weight.

This second photo is my body now at 141 pounds.

I've got a better system this time around. And I now modify my workout schedule and switch rest days incase I ever were to miss a workout due to not being home in time or what have you. That way I don't miss a beat. Before I would just do it the next week. I go by the motto (for training) live around training instead of training around life. Anyway. That is all for this update. I will be at 150 in another month or so I think.

I could go into great detail about the specifics of my diet and workouts etc. But I'm not interested in doing all that right now. Maybe later. If someone is ineterested though I'm always willing to share. :]

[ - TrAnce - ]
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