
Dec 23, 2005 15:03

Jet Li has written some amazingly insightful and inspiring essays on Neutrality in buddhism, among other things. I am really working on learning this concept. That is why removing my ego is a huge factor. I won't take something personal, I won't take things ,that need no focus, seriously. And will be free from attachment towards negative comments and opinions. Ego separates itself and becomes concerned with things that I find trivial now. Living my life and knowing the divinity that I have within me that only God and I truly know is all that counts. We each have the most powerful source in the universe on the inside of us, all connected together. There is no room for ego.

If someone was sitting in a room thinking they were better then the "losers" in their present company. They miss out on the beauty of the people around them and what they could learn from the experiences of others. Ego often has one think "well that's them not me." Obviously when ego strikes you can't possibly realize that if they can do it, so can you. We all have hearts that beat in our chest and blood in our veins. Each and everyone of us is unique yet we are all connected. And not to dwell in the past. But the over-analytical, pretentious, alienating, me-versus-the-world-attitude (I looked at everything in terms of being commercial, conforming, society sucks, etc. etc.) Was one of the biggest factors to my problems before. The sun is always shining, it's all in your perspective.

God has saved my life. And each day gives me more strength and wisdom, which I write down immediately to remind myself how far I've come and what my purpose is for being. I believe in Jesus Christ and I was raised Roman Catholic. However, I do see all religions as praying to the same God (I don't mean Christian God but God in general, a source). I believe that there is one source. I think that God perhaps took on many forms for many reasons but ultimately I think that in the past. Jesus Christ would not have translated well to Native Americans, or to Japanese etc. I believe their gods were given separate identities, names and experiences to make sense with the different language, culture and ideals of the people. Almost in a sense that the image of God is that of us (usually a God from a religion resembles the people). But that is beside the point as it is the same source of love. I had come to this belief and read that Jet Li had written something somewhat similar in his belief. I also find it interesting how people can have full faith in a concept such as Luck or other superstitions, but God is only a fairytale? Science in my opinion is man's attempt at logically understanding God's work. Which you receive scientific answers but that's only one side of the spectrum and only from a scientific perspective. It's the same I feel when doctors who only treat the body as though we're machines made of flesh and bone but then you have those who recover fully when doctors tell them they only have a year to live or they'll never walk again etc. It's only treating and looking at one part of the equation. I read a story of two men who suffered the same illness. One was without faith and negative and the other stayed positive and had faith in a higher power. Both were told they would die in months. Which one do you think made a full recovery?

I believe it's really this simple. The only thing that could stop us from forward progress and self growth are negative discouraging thoughts and lack of faith. "Faith is the sound a song bird makes, before the dawn." - Rabindranath Tagore. Which I think can happen when we get caught up in moments and distracted by all the negative mentalities and ideas floating around. I feel that if one focuses on their inner divinity and their God. They'll make it through any obstacle.

I'm not an expert on science or religion. Nor do I claim to be. This is just my opinion and my belief.

[ - TrAnce - ]
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