Come On! with whatever you got!... Come On! take your best shot!

Dec 21, 2005 23:11

My positive thinking is becoming more automatic. I found myself becoming overly ambitious and then I felt God was reminding me that, it's great that I want to do all my dreams and get started with life but that I must live one day at a time, my time will come. I slip into an old habit of negative thoughts now and then but I cast them out immediately. Marisa, thank you for your comment on how far I've come in a months time. That really put things into perspective and helped. My mother also told me that I am doing things now that I was unable to do in the past 6 years. I want to have experiences spending time with friends and go out more before I get my license and join a martial arts school. Because I really want to develop the habit of staying positive and to never shrink back in fear or become discouraged before focusing on those things. I will rise with boldness and confidence in the face of adversity knowing I have God's favor and the most powerful source in the universe on the inside of me (we all have it.)

I've been doing some research and thus far it appears most likely that I will be attending the 'Wah Lum Kung-Fu' school in Melbourne. I've realized my dreams and purpose in this life. It's really amazing and wonderful. I want to dedicate most of my life to martial-arts. I was always into it as a kid. I went to a tae kwon do school when I was about 11 or 12 but became discouraged in fear due to my poor self-esteem and outlook. I believe God was showing me my destiny but I didn't accept it. Now I think "plan B" has been put before me and I see it this time. I want to train constantly. Now I'm on a muscle mass program and I'm about 141 pounds and my goal is 162 pounds so I'm getting there. When I start my journey in martial arts I want to train 5 hours a day and really live it. I want to get into martial arts film and maybe one day open a school to share what I've learned (I plan on starting sometime next year and in 20 years in martial arts I'll be 44 and still going.)

Fame is fleeting (as Jet Li had said) and my reasons for the martial arts film as a dream is more than just a personal pursuit. I was reading a bunch of essays Jet Li wrote on his site. And there are a few reasons why people learn Martial arts. For either competition, health of the body, mind and spirit, film and self-defense. I feel that my purpose is to inspire and I want to give hope and be a voice for those who suffer with Agoraphobia and who think they need medication to deal with depression, anxiety, social disorders, suicidal tendencies and more. I've dealt with those and I want to let people know that if I can get through it they can too. And share how I was able to overcome and not be overcome. I also would like to donate and help with charities and people around the world. I've often dabbled in many areas of my "talents" or things I have some skill in. But I've bounced around because I would become discouraged and jump from one to the other worrying about the future (to make sure I had "back-up plans"). I want to devote my life to martial arts and fitness. I have such a clear distinct vision of my purpose and I feel so alive. Only negative discouraging thoughts would try to stand in my way, but I won't allow that to happen. And I know God is with me always.

I went out to the mall yesterday and to some other stores. I even went and walked across the mall by myself. I kept my head up and looked people in the eyes (things I didn't do before). Each time I feel more confident being out and around others. One of the things that has helped among many positive perspectives and most importantly in my life God. Is that I have removed my ego. Ego is what doubts, Ego tries to solve all of life's problems and thinks it is seperate from God (the spiritual source and guide). Ego also affects relationships with others wanting only for the self. That dog eat dog mentality and selfishness, rather than a perspective of love and compassion. Ego thinks it is greater than humanity and life (and those around it). I'm done with containing myself within those prisons. Whenever I find myself caring what "they" think. I read this...

] The Final Analysis - by Mother Teresa [

People are often illogical, unreasonable and self-centered.
- Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
- Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you may win some false friends and true enemies.
- Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may try to cheat you.
- Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone may destroy overnight.
- Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
- Be happy anyway.

The good you do today people will often forget tomorrow.
- Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have and it may just never be enough.
- Give the world the best you have anyway.

"You see" (she said) in the final analysis. It's all between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway!"

God bless all of you.

[ - TrAnce - ]
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