May 04, 2009 23:36
So today I bought a car!!!! It is a very olde car, but that is okay. It is a black 1997 Volkswagon Jetta. It has power windows and power locks ( which I have never had in a car of my own before ). It has a CD player and a sunroof. The air conditioning works ( which really doesn't matter to me ) and the seats are fucking HEATED >.>
There are some things that are a bit off and broken but in comparison I'm not worried about it. Like the seat doesn't really move from where it is ( but Im good with where it is ). The driver side window in the back doesn't unroll. And then the boot doesn't unlock from outside, I have to unlock it from INSIDE the car, but again, I'm not worried about it.
I think it was a pretty decent deal. I got it for $1,600.00. The guy let me drive it off today... I didn't even have the money in my account... he let me post date a check and he'll cash it on the 8th. That was really sweet. I got my insurance also. It is $37.00 a month. I don't have collision coverage for my car though, because it' doesn't really need protection... I didn't pay that much for it. I'd probably end up spending so much more insuring it. But I did get bodily injury coverage to myself and other people and coverage for the other person's car... so I think I did the best thing. It isn't that much money which is good.
Now I just need to find a job or money coming in and I'll be all set <3
But anyway I am super psyched!!! I haven't had a car of my own for like 5 or 6 years!! So it's pretty exciting - even if it is a really really olde car ^^:; haha It's nice to say MY car... instead of Mike's van. Really nice. AND I'll get to keep things in the car actually!!! Like I'll be able to keep a pair of shoes and a trash bag and tissues!! And my CDs and stuff without having Mike bitch me a new one!!
So all in all it was a pretty great day... minus Marshmallon walking around the house and screeching ALL fucking day and scratching my head open as I walked by ( and she doesn't ever put her claws out usually... so it was so weird ).
But anyway, tomorrow she is going to grandma's house tomorrow and I am looking forward to having a little break.