Characters: Inoue Orihime and Kusajishi Yachiru
Location: Orihime's office
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2007, before lunch
Rating: PG
Summary: Orihime's mythical koalapandafishes are the main theme of Yachiru's new drawings, so she stops by her office to show off her newest artwork. These two might have more in common than most people believe.
Yachiru enjoyed a lot of things. She liked riding Ken-chan's back, eating candy, visiting Byakushi and then asking a never-ending string of questions (also braiding his hair), she absolutely loved ponies and all sort of fuzzy creatures. But if there was something on top of her list of favorite activities it was drawing; she could draw anything and everything and she enjoyed when people praised her work and when Ken-chan stuck her drawings to the refrigerator door. This was the reason why when Orihime had suggested she draw a koalapandafish she wholeheartedly agreed.
She had spent most part of yesterday drawing these curious beings and had found out that Orihime was right, not one of the several koalapandafishes looked the same. It was something truly awesome.
She was now arriving to her destination, skipping all the way from her father's office. She carried her trusty backpack with her, and had brought two juice-boxes to share with Orihime (one fruit-punch and one strawberry) as well as her new set of magic markers and favorite sketch book. Yachiru energetically barged into the office looking for Orihime.
"BB-chan I'm here~~! Look, my koalapandafish!"